Institute of Teacher Training & Research erstwhile University College of Education, Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra, a co-educational institution offers B.Ed. (two year) regular pre-service teacher education programme duly recognized by NCTE. This institution is located within the beautiful, eco-friendly campus of KurukshetraUniversity in the holy land of Mahabharta (Kurukshetra), Haryana.Theinstitution initially started as ‘Govt. College of Education’ Kurukshetra and its foundation stone was laid down by Hon’bleShriChandreswarPrashad Narayan, Governor ofPunjab on 11th of January 1958. Later on, it was taken over by KurukshetraUniversityKurukshetra in 1973 and renamed as ‘University College of Education’, Kurukshetra. On 17th January 2019 the institute has become a department of Kurukshetra University and renamed as Institute of Teacher Training & Research, Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra. The institute relocated to its present building in the year 1980.
The institution is governed by Kurukshetra University Calendar rules and regulations. The following are the regulatory bodies: i) University Court; ii) Executive Council; iii) Academic Council; iv) Faculty of Education; v) Under Graduate Board of Studies.
Following NCTE Regulations-2014, the institute has started Two Year B.Ed. Programmew.e.f. Session 2015 and revised syllabus in the light of NCTE curriculum framework : 2 Year B.Ed. Programme-2014 is currently being transferred in the institution.
Principal Speaks
Welcome to the Institute of Teacher Training and Research, where we nurture future educators to shape the citizens of tomorrow.
Education is the most efficient and effective tool for driving personal and societal progress. Teachers are the architects of a nation’s future, shaping young minds and laying the foundation for lifelong learning. The role of a trained and skilled teacher extends beyond imparting knowledge—it encompasses guiding, mentoring, and inspiring students to reach their full potential. Our mission is to produce highly trained and skilled teachers who impart knowledge and inspire and guide future generations.
A well-trained teacher with strong pedagogical skills of simplifying complex concepts can encourage critical thinking and foster creativity in young learners. A trained teacher continuously evolves with advancements in education, integrating modern technologies and research-based strategies into teaching practices. Through rigorous training, research, and innovation, we are committed to equipping our educators with the values, skills, and expertise necessary to contribute meaningfully to nation-building.
We take immense pride in fostering a learning environment that promotes academic excellence, professional integrity, and a deep sense of responsibility towards society. As we move forward, we continue to strive for excellence in teacher education, ensuring that our graduates are well-prepared to face the evolving challenges of the education sector.
I invite you to be part of this journey and contribute to shaping a brighter future through education.
[Anita Dua]
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