Department of Geophysics
Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra

About Us

The three years Master degree programme in Applied Geophysics has been running in the department of Geophysics, Kurukshetra University since 1985.  Presently, the department has six well qualified teachers including 03 Professors and 03 Assistant Professors. The faculty members of the department have earned distinction in the form of national and international awards like UNESCO award for training, DAAD fellowship, Commonwealth fellowships, INSA fellowship, Young Scientist award, Fellows of academic bodies etc. 

The department has been sanctioned Rs. 2.5 crores under the FIST scheme of DST, New Delhi to strengthen its laboratories. The department has the rare distinction of establishing a National facility worth 2.54 crores in the field of thermochornology funded by DST, Govt. of India.  The department has a seismological laboratory equipped with Broad Band seismograph with STS-2 sensor.  The department has the equipments like Tromino 3G, Engineering seismograph, Resistivity imaging system, Gravity meter, Magnetometer, Petrological and stereozoom microscopes, Wilfley (gravity mineral separation) table. The Department has geophysical processing lab equipped with software like Matlab, ERDAS imaging and ArcGIS, GRILLA and Geopsy for H/V analysis etc.

The department is working with a vision to expose students a broad spectrum of Geophysics. Teaching and research is to be supported by practical knowledge for which special emphasis is being given to develop labs i.e. Geophysical Instrumentation lab equipped with Seismic Instrumentation, Electrical and electromagnetic Instrumentation, Gravity and Magnetic instrumentation, microzonation instruments and crustal deformation studies.


Be recognized as distinguished department in the Geophysical World for learning and research in Applied Geophysics.

To  prepare  the  professionals  in  the  broad  spectrum  of  Applied  Geophysics  e.g.  earthquake hazards, hydrocarbon exploration, tectonics, mineral and ground water resources etc. to serve the society


  • The department has awarded 13 Ph.D. and 21 registered (ongoing) during the last five years.
  • The department has 03 Post-Doctoral fellows and 03 Research Associates.
  • The department has published 61 research papers in international SCI-journals during the last five years.
  • The department has been sanctioned the national (05) and international (03) research projects of about Rs. 5104 lacs funded by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), and MHRD, Govt. of India etc. during last five years.
  • The Department has received 03 consultancy project of Rs. 3079 lacs in the field of Gravity survey, Seismic microzonation and seismic hazard
  • The department has international collaborations with university of Saskatchewan, Canada; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Stanford University, USA; National Taiwan University, Taiwan; National Central University, Taiwan; University of Bologna, Italy; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
  • A National Facility for low temperature thermochronology sanctioned by DST has been established in the department.
  • The Department has procured Gravity meter (01) and Ambient Noise measurement equipment (03) from the FIST grant of DST, Govt. of India
  • The deptt. has revised the syllabi of M.Sc. (Tech.) Applied Geophysics in 2019-20 and 2020-21 keeping in view the latest trends in the subject.
  • The deptt. has organized a one-day national workshop was organized on March 9, by jointly Kurukshetra University and CGWB, Chandigarh on “Groundwater Scenario in states of Haryana and Punjab and its Management”.
  • The department organized “Geo-Vertex- An international virtual conference to expand your horizons” during October, 29-November 1, 2020 in collaboration with the University of Dhaka, Geophysical Society.
  • The deptt. has organized an international symposium on “Valuing Water: Groundwater Sustainability and Climate Change” during March 20-21, 2021.
  • Dinesh Kumar received K N Khattri Memorial award lecture by Indian Society of Earthquake Sciences (ISES), India in 2022
  • Dinesh Kumar nominated as DST, Government of India nominee (2021) for the meeting of assessment promotion committee of Wadia institute if Himalayan Geology, Dehradun
  • Bhagwan Singh Chaudhary acted as UGC nominee (2015 onwards) on Governing Body of Abdul Hakeem College (Autonomous), Melvisharam (T.N.)
  • Bhagwan Singh Chaudhary nominated in 2019 Distinguished Educationist (Outside Expert) Quality Advisory Council, IQAC; Ch. Bansi Lal University, Bhiwani
  • Bhagwan Singh Chaudhary is Executive Editor of e-journal of Geohydrology INC of IAH (Indian National Committee of International Association of Hydrogeologists)
  • Dr Manisha Sandhu nominated as a Member of Executive Committee (EC) of Indian Geophysical Union (IGU) for the period of 2022-24
  • R B S Yadav was awarded the Best Research Award (collaboration) by the Kurukshetra University for the year 2022.
  • Dr R B S Yadav is Editor from 2012 to till of journal Open Journal of earthquake Research (OJER), Scientific   Research Publishing, USA


Prof. Bhagwan Singh Chaudhary

Chairperson Speaks

The Department of Geophysics has been offering Post Graduate programme M.Sc. (Tech.) Applied Geophysics programme of three years duration since year 1985.  The department encompasses a broad spectrum of activities including geohazards, exploration of hydrocarbon, mineral and ground water resources, characterization of environment, geotechnical and archeological sites.

The department has well recognized faculty and has gained respect in academic community both at national and international level for its experience and expertise in Applied Geophysics.  With about 70 postgraduate students, 35 research scholars and 7 full time faculty members, the Department of Geophysics has an informal and friendly atmosphere in which students receive personal attention.  The department caters the need of vibrant Exploration & Production (E & P) industry by nurturing its students in the field of Applied Geophysics.  This is evident from the placement data of passed out students who have been serving various national and multinational companies like ONGC, Oil India Ltd., Schlumberger in E & P business.  The students of the department have also been placed in the Govt. sector like CGWB, GSI, AMD and State Ground water departments etc. They have been placed in research institutes like CSIR-NGRI, Hyderabad; ISR, Gandhinagar, NCS, MoES, New Delhi etc.   The curriculum of the programme has been designed after taking feedback from the stakeholders including Students, Alumni, Teachers and Employers. 

The laboratories of the department are equipped with the necessary Geophysical Instruments as well as softwares.  In addition to the M.Sc. (Tech.) (Applied Geophysics) programme, the department also undertakes Ph. D. programme in different specializations.

            Research component of the department is comparatively strong. The faculty of department has executed research projects worth 10 crores during last five years funded by the agencies like ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Department of Science and Technology, UGC etc.  The faculty of department has published 61 papers in national and international journals of repute.  The department is one of few departments of the University recognized under DST-FIST scheme. The department has one National facility in the field of Low Temperature Thermochoronology (fission Track Dating) sponsored by DST, New Delhi.  The department is also executing consultancy projects in different fields.     

I trust that students and research scholars will enjoy their learning in the field of Applied Geophysics in the department.



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(‘A++’ Grade, NAAC Accredited, Category-I University)



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