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Completed Research Projects:

Name of facultyYearTitle of projectFunding agency
Dr. Neeraj Kumar2016Mycoherbicidal control of congress grass: the weed of global significance.Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra
Dr Neelam2003Bioconversion of lignocellulosic feedstock into ethanol as biofuelsDBT,India
Dr Neelam2008Evaluation of xylanases and laccases of pilot and mill scale in pulp and paper industryDBT,India
Dr Baljeet Singh2010Isolation and characterization of pant growth promoting Rhizobacteria from cotton rhizosphereDST, India
Dr Neeraj Kumar2010Low cost production of Microbial bioplastic from sugar industry waste water and its degeneration in various ecological niches- a dual strategy for environment management and pollution controlDST, India
Dr Neeraj Kumar2019Parthenium hysteroporus: Biomass valorization for bioethanol production.HSCSIT
Dr Baljeet Singh2011Production of Biosurfactant and Bacteriocin by Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria using whey as a conventional nutrient sourceUGC,India
Dr Neelam2012Exploitation of microorganisms for production of Chitin deacetylaseUGC, India
Dr Baljeet Singh2012Bioremediation and simultaneous bio plastic production from textile industrial effluent in Haryana state through PHBDST, India
Dr Neeraj    Kumar2013Bioethanol from Rice Straw – The new Generation’s Ecofriendly Solution to reduce agricultural waste and to manage energy crisisHSCST, Haryana
Mr Vijay Kumar2013Isolation of novel fungi from hot springs and their bio-prospecting for novel enzymesKUK
Dr. Neeraj Kumar2023Parthenium hysterophorous: Biomass valorization for bioethanol production Haryana State Council for Science and TechnologyKUK

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(‘A++’ Grade, NAAC Accredited, Category-I University)

