Tender Notices

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Tender Notices

Date Notices
13-02-2024 Notice inviting quotations for Furniture items.
30-08-2024 Invitation Notice to hire services of printers for printing of Study material at KUK
20-08-2024 Notice inviting bids for E-tender "Construction of All weather Swimming Pool " at KUK
12-08-2024 Notice inviting bids for E-tender Renovation of D-98 i.e P/F Vitrified Floor Tiles in Rooms, Floor and Wall Tiles in Kitchen, Bathroom, Toilet, Chawkhat, Doors, Window, Parking Tiles, Distempering, Painting, etc. at K.U.K
13-07-2024 Corrigendum for extension in the Bid submission & Closing date of E-tender "Supply Installation Testing And Commissioning of Firewall" at KUK
18-06-2024 Notice inviting bids for E-tender "Supply Installation Testing And Commissioning of Firewall" at KUK
08-02-2024 Supply, Erection, Testing, Commissioning of 400 KVA Capacity Transformer with allied items near Faculty Lounge Building to feed the power supply to Faculty Lounge Building, Old Arts Faculty Building and Education Department Building at KUK
13-12-2023 Notice inviting e-tenders for Supply, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Rooftop Grid Connected Solar Power Plant with net metering facility 500 KWP capacity (above 10 KWP and upto 100 KWP) on roofs of various Boys and Girls Hostel at KUK
13-12-2023 Notice inviting e-tenders for SITC of 3 Nos. lifts (One No. 13 Passenger for G plus 3 building, One No. 8 Passenger for G plus 5 building and One No. 8 Passenger for G plus 2 building at KUK
13-12-2023 Notice inviting e-tenders for Supply/Purchase of electrical material (Fan & Fixtures) for Construction Branch Store at KUK
31-10-2023 Notice inviting e-tenders for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of MASW-24 Channel Recording System (Engineering Seismograph)
10-10-2023 Notice inviting e-tenders for Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of new Diesel Engine Generator Set 62.5 KVA capacity (2 Nos.) at Directorate of Sports and Tube-well No. 7 at KUK
10-10-2023 Notice inviting e-tenders for Operation and maintenance of 2.4 MLD Sewage Treatment Plant at KUK
07-10-2023 Notice inviting e-tenders for supply of DMC Paper with Security features for the session 2023-24 & 2024-25
07-10-2023 Notice inviting e-tenders for Preparation of Answer Books with/without OMR Sheets by using own paper
22-09-2023 Notice inviting e-tenders for Soil Gas Flux System, Real Time PCR, Portable Photosynthesis System (IRGA), Bioreactor, HPLC, Mobile Air Quality Analyzer
09-08-2023 2nd Corrigendum for extension of dates for E-tender Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Seismic Equipments for establishing seismological network in Haryana, India
08-08-2023 Notice inviting tender for Supply, Installation, & commissioning of Cryostat
02-08-2023 Notice inviting tender for the purchase of Chemicals, Glassware/Apparatus, Plastic ware, Whattman Filter paper, Minor Equipment and other Misc items
25-07-2023 Corrigendum for extension of dates for E-tender Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Seismic Equipments for establishing seismological network in Haryana, India
06-07-2023 Notice inviting E-tender for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning for Research Grade Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer
06-07-2023 Notice inviting E-tender for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning for Research Grade Raman Spectrometer
05-07-2023 Notice inviting E-tender Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Seismic Equipments for establishing seismological network in Haryana, India
03-07-2023 Notice inviting tender for running Mess in the University Hostels
20-06-2023 Notice inviting E-tender for Supply and Installation of Portable Photosynthesis System (IRGA)
10-05-2023 Notice inviting E-tender for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Cryostat
10-05-2023 Notice inviting E-tender for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning for Research Grade Raman Spectrometer and Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer
03-05-2023 Notice inviting E-tender for Empanelment of Contractual Agencies for maintenance of buildings, Addition/ Alteration/ Renovation and repair works of University buildings and P.H. maintenance of buildings at Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra (One year for Year 2023-24) (Civil and Public Health Works)
28-04-2023 Notice inviting E-tender for Scanning and Processing work of the Title Page of Answer Book of all the Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate (Traditional/Professional Courses) of Annual and Semester Examinations to be held w.e.f. 18 May 2023 & Dec/March 2023-24
17-04-2023 Notice inviting E-Tender for disposal of raddi i.e. Used Answer Books, Used Question Papers, Supdt. last pkts and Dissertation/Project Training reports etc.
12-04-2023 Notice inviting E-Tender for Installation of 34 Nos. Rain Water Harvesting Units at KUK (Re-tender)
12-04-2023 Notice inviting E-Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of two New Diesel Engine Generator Set 62.5 KVA Capacity
12-04-2023 Notice inviting E-Tender for Supply/Purchase of LED Batten and LED Panel
07-04-2023 Notice inviting E-Tender for purchase of 100 Thin Client, online UPS 2 Units and 2 Servers
14-02-2023 Purchase of Electrical Material i.e. Fans & Fixtures at KUK
19-01-2023 Notice Inviting E-Tender - Purchase, Supply and Installation of Desktop Computers
09-01-2023 Notice Inviting E-Tender - Supply and Installation of Portable Photosynthesis System (IRGA)
22-12-2022 Notice Inviting E-Tender - Replacement of chiller machines, colling towers, pumps, packed units and other allied electrical accessories material of central water cooled Air conditioning plant of JNL Library (Old Library) at KUK
22-12-2022 Notice Inviting E-Tender - Construction of R.C.C O.H.S.R and R.C.C Sump-Well 75000 Litre Capacity each at KUK Campus
22-12-2022 Notice Inviting E-Tender - Supply of Electrical Material at KUK

Auction Notices

Date Notices
24-12-2024 Public Notice for Auction of unserviceable scientific equipments / items in Department of Botany
22-10-2024 General public auction of the some old junk material like Kits Tools, obsolete experiment kits, equipments, Machine etc
16-10-2024 General public auction of the some old junk material like Kits Tools, obsolete experiment kits, equipments, Machine etc
20-08-2024 Notice inviting bids for E-tender "Construction of All weather Swimming Pool " at KUK
01-05-2024 Rescheduling of auction of University agriculture land
08-04-2024 Auction notice 2024-25 of University agriculture land.
17-08-2023 Notice for public auction of the Tractor Ford 3620
25-07-2023 Notice for public auction of the written off material/furniture items.
25-04-2023 Revised Notification for Public auction of Unserviceable Scientific equipments/ Apparatus items in the Department of Home Science
24-04-2023 Notification for Public auction of Unserviceable Scientific equipments/ Apparatus items in the Department of Home Science
07-04-2023 Notification for Licensing out the University lands situated in various villages, Tehsil-Guhla, District- Kaithal and Tehsil- Thanesar, District- Kurukshetra for the year 2023-24
06-04-2023 Notification regarding general public auction of old junk material like Empty Drum, obsolete equipment, outdated experiment kits, Machine etc which is unserviceable/ expired/ lying in the Department of Instrumentation
24-02-2023 Notification regarding general public auction of the written off material/ furniture items
19-01-2023 Auction Notice - Terms and Conditions of auction of University Vehicles