Merit List / Pass Percentages / Degree Issued

Examination >> Merit List / Pass Percentages

Merit List / Pass Percentage 

Merit List

Date Class

Pass Percentage

Date Class
27-03-2025 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.)(Reappear) 1st Sem. Dec.-2024
27-03-2025 Pass % (Revised)Master of Arts(Hindi)(Reappear) 1st Sem. Dec-2024
27-03-2025 Pass % (Revised)Master of Arts(Hindi) 3rd Sem. Dec-2024
26-03-2025 Pass % Master of Business Administration(MBA)(Reappear) 1st Sem. Dec-2024
26-03-2025 Pass % Master of Business Administration(MBA) 3rd Sem. Dec-2024
17-03-2025 Pass % Bachelof of Business Administration(BBA)(Reappear) 3rd Sem. Dec.-2024
17-03-2025 Pass % Bachelof of Business Administration(BBA)(Reappear) 1st Sem. Dec.-2024
17-03-2025 Pass % Bachelof of Business Administration(BBA) 5th Sem. Dec.-2024
03-03-2025 Pass % Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.) 5th Sem. Dec.-2024
03-03-2025 Pass % Master of Commerce 3rd Sem. Dec.-2024
03-03-2025 Pass % Bachelor of Computer Application(B.C.A.) 5th Sem. Dec.-2024
03-03-2025 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.) 5th Sem. Dec.-2024
13-02-2025 Pass % Master of Commerce(M.Com.)(Non-NEP) 1st Sem. Dec-2024
13-02-2025 Pass % Bachelor of Scinece(Information Technology)(Hons)(Non-NEP) 5th Sem. Dec-2024
13-02-2025 Pass % Bachelor of Scinece(Information Technology)(Hons)(Non-NEP) 3rd Sem. Dec-2024
13-02-2025 Pass % Bachelor of Scinece(Information Technology)(Hons)(Non-NEP) 1st Sem. Dec-2024
13-02-2025 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.) 5th Sem. Dec-2024
09-12-2024 Pass % P.G. Diploma in Computer Application(PGDCA)(DDE and Reappear) May-2024
09-12-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Education)(Distance) Part-2
09-12-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Education)(Distance) Part-1
09-12-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Home Science)(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2024
09-12-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.)(Reappear) 2nd Sem. May-2024
09-12-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.)(Reappear) 2nd Sem. May-2024
09-12-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.)(Distance) Part-II May-2024
25-11-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(English)(Distance Education) May-2024
25-11-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Additional) Part-2 May-2024
25-11-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Additional) Part-1 May-2024
25-11-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Library and Information Science(B.Lib)(Reappear) May-2024
25-11-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.)(Distance Edcuation) Part-1 Dec-2023
11-11-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Public Administration) Part-2 May-2024
11-11-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Public Administration) Part-1 May-2024
11-11-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Hindi) Part-2 May-2024
11-11-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Hindi) Part-1 May-2024
11-11-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Library and Information Science May-2024
11-11-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.) Part-1 May-2024
07-11-2024 Revised Pass % Bachelor of Education(B.Ed.)(Reappear) Part-2 May-2024
07-11-2024 Revised Pass % Bachelor of Education(B.Ed.)(One Year) May-2024
07-11-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Education(B.Ed.)(Reappear) Part-1 May-2024
23-10-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Education(B.Ed.)(Reappear) Part-2 May-2024
22-10-2024 Pass % Master of Computer Application(M.C.A.) Part-3 May-2024
22-10-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Political Science) Part-1 May-2024
22-10-2024 Pass % LL.M. Part-2 May-2024
22-10-2024 Pass % LL.M. Part-1 May-2024
21-10-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Political Science) Part-2 May-2024
14-10-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Tourism and Traval Management(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2023
14-10-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(Hons)(Economics)(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2024
09-10-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(History) Part-1 May-2024
07-10-2024 Revised_Pass % Bachelor of Computer Application(B.C.A.) 2nd Sem. May-2024
07-10-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Punjabi) Part-2 May-2024
07-10-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Punjabi) Part-1 May-2024
03-10-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Political Science) Part-1 May-2024
30-09-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.) 4th Sem. May-2024
30-09-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.) Part-II May-2024
30-09-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(BA) 4th Sem. May-2024
28-09-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2024
28-09-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Science(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2024
28-09-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Economics) Part-2 May-2024
28-09-2024 Pass % BA.B.Ed. and B.Sc. B.Ed. 2nd Sem. May-2024
28-09-2024 Pass % BA.B.Ed. and B.Sc. B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-2024
28-09-2024 Pass % BA.B.Ed. and B.Sc. B.Ed. 6th Sem. May-2024
27-09-2024 Pass% Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology(CBCS) 8th Sem. May-2024
27-09-2024 Pass% Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology(CBCS) 6th Sem. May-2024
27-09-2024 Pass% Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2024
27-09-2024 Pass% Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology(CBCS) 2nd Sem. May-2024
27-09-2024 Pass % Master of Science(Biotechnology)(5 Year Integrated Course)(CBCS) 8th Sem. May-2024
27-09-2024 Pass % Master of Science(Biotechnology)(5 Year Integrated Course)(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2024
27-09-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(History) Part-2 May-2024
27-09-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Economics) Part-1 May-2024
27-09-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(Mass Communication)(CBCS) 6th Sem. May-2024
27-09-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(Mass Communication)(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2024
19-09-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(English) 2nd Sem. May-2024
19-09-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(English) 4th Sem. May-2024
17-09-2024 Pass % Master of Commerce(M.Com.) 2nd Sem. May-2024
16-09-2024 Pass % Master of Commerce(M.Com.) Part-2 May-2024
16-09-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Fine Arts(B.F.A.)(CBCS)(Reappear) 6th Sem. May-2024
16-09-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Fine Arts(B.F.A.)(CBCS)(Reappear) 4th Sem. May-2024
16-09-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Computer Application(B.C.A.) 4th Sem. May-2024
13-09-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Education) Part-1 May-2023
13-09-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Education) Part-2 May-2023
13-09-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Printing and Packaging Technology) 4th Sem. May-2024
13-09-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Computer Application(B.C.A.)(Reappear) 2nd Sem. May-2024
13-09-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.) 4th Sem. May-2024
09-09-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.) 4th Sem. May-2024
08-09-2024 Pass % Master of Commerce(M.Com.)(Reappear) Part-1 May-2024
31-08-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.)(CBCS)(Reappear) 6th Sem.May-2024
31-08-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.)(CBCS)(Reappear) 4th Sem. May-2024
25-08-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.)(Reappear) 2nd Sem. May-2024
24-08-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(DDE+Reappear) May-2024
24-08-2024 Pass % Master of Business Administration(MBA) 2nd Sem. May-2024
21-08-2024 Pass % Master of Business Administration(MBA) 4th Sem. May-2024
17-08-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.)(CBCS)(Reappear) 6th Sem. May-2024
17-08-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.)(CBCS)(Reappear) 6th Sem. May-2024
17-08-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Economics) 2nd Sem. May-2024
17-08-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Home Science)(CBCS)(Reappear) 2nd May-2024
09-08-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Hindi) 2nd Sem. May-2024
09-08-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Business Administration(B.B.A.)(Reappear) 2nd Sem. May-2024
09-08-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Business Administration(B.B.A.) 4th Sem. May-2024
09-08-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Hindi) 4th Sem. May-2024
29-07-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.)(DDE and Reappear) May-2024
23-07-2024 Pass % Master of Commerce(M.Com.) 4th May-2024
19-07-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.) 6th Sem. May-2024
17-07-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Computer Application(B.C.A.) 6th Sem. May-2024
17-07-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Information Technology) (Reappear) 2nd Sem. May-2024
17-07-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Information Technology) 6th Sem. May-2024
17-07-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Information Technology) 4th Sem. May-2024
17-07-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Home Science(CBCS)(Reappear) 6th Sem. May-2024
17-07-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Business Administration(B.B.A.) 6th Sem. May-2024
14-07-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.) 6th Sem. May-2024
14-07-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.) 6th Sem. May-2024
27-06-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Fine Arts(B.F.A.) 8th Sem. May-2024
24-06-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(English) Part-I Dec-2023
24-06-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Home Science(CBCS)(Reappear) 5th Sem. Dec-2023
24-06-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Home Science(CBCS)(Reappear) 3rd Sem. Dec-2023
13-06-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Library and Information Science Part-I Dec-2023
13-06-2024 Pass % Master of Commerce(Reappear) Part-I Dec-2023
28-05-2024 Pass % LL.M. (Reappear) 2nd Year Dec.2023
28-05-2024 Pass % LL.M. (Reappear) 1st Year Dec.2023
28-05-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.)(Reappear)-1st Sem. Dec-2023
28-05-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.)(Reappear) 1st Sem. Dec-2023
22-05-2024 Pass % B.A. B.ed. and B.Sc. B.Ed. 1st Sem. Dec-2023
22-05-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Education(B.Ed.)(Reappear) Part-2 Jan.-2024
22-05-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Education(B.Ed.)(Reappear) Part-1 Jan.-2024
22-05-2024 Pass % B.A. B.ed. and B.Sc. B.Ed. 5thSem. Dec-2023
22-05-2024 Pass % B.A. B.ed. and B.Sc. B.Ed. 3rd Sem. Dec-2023
21-05-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Computer Applicaion(B.C.A.)(Reappear) 1st Sem. Dec.-2023
09-05-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.) 3rd Sem. Dec-2023
09-05-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.) 3rd Sem. Dec-2023
09-05-2024 Pass % Master of Business Administration(MBA) 3rd Sem. Dec-2023
29-04-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Business Administration(B.B.A.) 1st Sem. Dec.-2023
29-04-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Hindi) 3rd Sem. Dec.-2023
29-04-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Hindi) 1st Sem. Dec.-2023
29-04-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.) 1st Sem. Dec.-2023
29-04-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Business Administration(B.B.A.) 5th Sem. Dec.-2023
29-04-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Business Administration(B.B.A.) 3rd Sem. Dec.-2023
26-04-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(Sanskrit)(Honours)(CBCS) 5th Sem. Dec.-2023
26-04-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(BA)(CBCS)(Reappear) 5th Sem. Dec.-2023
26-04-2024 Pass % Master of Science(Biotechnology)(5-Year Integrated Course 7th Sem. Dec.-2023
26-04-2024 Pass % Master of Science(Biotechnology)(5-Year Integrated Course 5th Sem. Dec.-2023
26-04-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Tourism Management(BTM)(CBCS) 5th Sem. Dec.-2023
26-04-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology(BHMCT) CBCS 7th Sem Dec.-2023
26-04-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology(BHMCT) CBCS 3rd Sem Dec.-2023
26-04-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology(BHMCT) CBCS 1st Sem Dec.-2023
26-04-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Computer Application(BCA)(CBCS) 5th Sem Dec.-2023
11-04-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(English) 1st Sem. Dec.-2023
11-04-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(English) 3rd Sem. Dec.-2023
11-04-2024 Pass % Master of Commerce(M.Com.) 1st Sem. Dec.-2023
06-04-2024 Pass % Master of Business Administration(MBA) 1st Sem. Dec-2023
06-04-2024 Pass % Master of Science(Economics)(Honours)(5 Year Integrated Course) 7th Sem Dec-2023
06-04-2024 Pass % Master of Science(Engineering Physics)(5 Year Integrated Course) 7th Sem Dec-2023
06-04-2024 Pass % Master of Science(Engineering Physics)(5 Year Integrated Course)(Reappear) 5th Sem Dec-2023
22-03-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Information Techenology)(Honours) 1st Sem. Dec.-2023 (Reappear)
22-03-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Information Techenology)(Honours) 3rd Sem. Dec.-2023
22-03-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Information Techenology)(Honours) 5th Sem. Dec.-2023
20-03-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.) 5th Sem. Dec.-2023
20-03-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.) 5th Sem. Dec.-2023
18-03-2024 Pass % Master of Commerce(M.Com.) 3rd Sem. (Dec-2023)
16-03-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.) 5th Sem. (Dec-2023)
16-03-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Economics) 3rd Sem. (Dec-2023)
16-03-2024 Pass % Master of Arts(Economics) 1st Sem. (Dec-2023)
16-03-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Computer Application(B.C.A.) 5th Sem. (Dec-2023)
16-03-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Computer Application(B.C.A.) 3rd Sem. (Dec-2023)
16-03-2024 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.) 3rd Sem. (Dec-2023)
09-02-2023 Pass % B.A. B.Ed. and B.Sc. B.Ed. 4th Sem. May-2023
09-02-2023 Pass % B.A. B.Ed. and B.Sc. B.Ed. 2nd Sem. May-2023
19-12-2023 Pass % Master of Science(Engg. Physics)(5 Year Integrated Course) 6th Sem May-2023
13-12-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.)(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2023
13-12-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.) 2nd Year May-2023
13-12-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.)(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2023
08-12-2023 Pass % Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application(PGDCA) - May-2023
05-12-2023 Pass % B.A. B.Ed. and B.Sc. B.Ed. 3rd Sem. Dec-2022
05-12-2023 Pass % B.A. B.Ed. and B.Sc. B.Ed. 1st Sem. Dec-2022
01-12-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.) Part-1 May-2023
01-12-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.)(Distance Education) Part-1 May-2023
25-11-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.) Part-2 May-2023
23-11-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(History) Part-2 May-2023
23-11-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(History) Part-1 May-2023
23-11-2023 Pass % LL.M. Part-2 May-2023
23-11-2023 Pass % LL.M. Part-1 May-2023
23-11-2023 Pass % Revised Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.) 2nd Sem. May-2023
23-11-2023 Pass % Revised Bachelor of Arts(B.A.) 2nd Sem. May-2023
23-11-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Political Science) Part-2 May-2023
23-11-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Political Science) Part-1 May-2023
20-11-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(English) Part-2 May-2023
20-11-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(English) Part-1 May-2023
17-11-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Punjabi)(Distance Education) Part-2 May-2023
17-11-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Punjabi)(Distance Education) Part-1 May-2023
17-11-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Public Administration)(Distance Education) Part-2 May-2023
17-11-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Public Administration)(Distance Education) Part-1 May-2023
17-11-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.) 2nd Sem. May-2023
17-11-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.) 2nd Sem. May-2023
16-11-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Economics)(Distance Education and Reappear Part-1 May 2023
16-11-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.)(Distance Education and Reappear Part-1 May 2023
16-11-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(Vocation)(Toursim and Travel Management 4th sem May 2023
16-11-2023 Revised Pass % Bachelor of Library and Information Science(B.Lib) May-2023
16-11-2023 Pass % Master of Commerce(M.Com.)(Distance Education and Reappear) Part-1 May-2023
16-11-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Hindi)(Distance Education and Reappear) Part-2 May-2023
16-11-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Hindi) Part-1 May-2023
16-11-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology 6th-Sem. May-2023
16-11-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology 4th-Sem. May-2023
16-11-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology 2nd-Sem. May-2023
05-11-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Sciecne(B.Sc.) 3rd Year May-2023
05-11-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Library and Info. Science(May-2023)
02-11-2023 Pass % Master of Business Administration(MBA) 4th Sem. May-2023
02-11-2023 Pass % Master of Business Administration(MBA) 2nd Sem. May-2023
27-10-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Computer Application(B.C.A.) 2nd Sem. May 2022
25-10-2023 Pass % M.Sc Botany-3rd sem Dec 2022
25-10-2023 Pass % M.Sc Botany-1st sem Dec 2022
25-10-2023 Pass % M.A Pschology-3rd sem Dec 2022
25-10-2023 Pass % M.A Pschology-1st sem Dec 2022
25-10-2023 Pass % M.A Pol Sc 3rd sem Dec 2022
25-10-2023 Pass % M.A Pol Sc 1st sem Dec 2022
25-10-2023 Pass % M.A History-3rd sem Dec 2022
25-10-2023 Pass % M.A History-1st sem Dec 2022
25-10-2023 Pass % BAMC-5th sem Dec 2022
25-10-2023 Pass % BAMC-3rd sem Dec 2022
25-10-2023 Pass % BAMC-1st sem Dec 2022
19-10-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Educaton)(DDE and Reappear) 2nd Year May-2023
19-10-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Educaton)(DDE and Reappear) 1st Year May-2023
18-10-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.)(DDE and Reappear) 2nd Year MAY 2023
16-10-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Economics) 4th Sem. May-2023
16-10-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Economics) 2nd Sem. May-2023
13-10-2023 Pass % Master of Commerce(M.Com.)(DDE and Reappear) 2nd Year May-2023
13-10-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.) 2nd Sem. May-2023
13-10-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Hindi) 4th Sem. May-2023
13-10-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Hindi) 2nd Sem. May-2023
13-10-2023 Pass % M.Sc. Biotechnology(5 Year Integrated Course)(CBCS) 6th Sem. May-2023
13-10-2023 Pass % M.Sc. Biotechnology(5 Year Integrated Course)(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2023
09-10-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Economics)(DDE and Reappear) 2nd Year May-2023
09-10-2023 Pass % Master of Science(Engineering Physics)(5 Year Integrated Course)(CBCS)(Reappear) 4th Sem. May-2023
09-10-2023 Pass % Master of Science(Engineering Physics)(5 Year Integrated Course)(CBCS) 6th Sem. May-2023
09-10-2023 Pass % Master of Computer Application(MCA) 3rd Year May-2023
03-10-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Business Administration(B.B.A.) 2nd Sem. May-2023
27-09-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(English) 4th Sem. May-2023
27-09-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(English) 2nd Sem. May-2023
26-09-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Education(B.Ed.)(Regular) 2nd Year May-2023
22-09-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.) 4th Sem. May-2023
21-09-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.) 4th Sem. May-2023
21-09-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.) 4th Sem. May-2023
19-09-2023 Pass % Master of Commerce(M.Com.) 4th Sem. May-2023
19-09-2023 Pass % Master of Commerce(M.Com.) 2nd Sem. May-2023
16-09-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Business Administration(B.B.A.) 4th Sem. May-2023
06-09-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Mass Communication(BAMC)(CBCS)(Reappear) 4th Sem. May-2023
06-09-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(Vocational)(Tourism and Taravel Management)(CBCS) 6th Sem. May-2023
05-09-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.)(Honours)(CBCS) 6th Sem. May-2023
05-09-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Tourism Management(BTM)(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2023
05-09-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Tourism Management(BTM)(CBCS) 6th Sem. May-2023
01-09-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Computer Application(B.C.A.) 4th Sem. May-2023
28-08-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Graphic and Animation)(CBCS) 6th Sem. May-2023
28-08-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Multimedia)(CBCS) 6th Sem. May-2023
23-08-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(PRINTING & PACKAGING TECHNOLOGY)(CBCS) 6th Sem. May-2023
23-08-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Computer Application(B.C.A.) 6th Sem. May-2023
21-08-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(CBCS) 6th Sem. May-2023
21-08-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.)(CBCS) 6th Sem. May-2023
19-08-2023 Pass % Master of Science (Economics)(Honours)(CBCS) May-2023
19-08-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Information Technology) 4th Sem. May-2023
19-08-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Information Technology) 2nd Sem. May-2023
14-08-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Mass Communication 6th Sem. May-2023
14-08-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Home Science 6th Sem. May-2023
08-08-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.)(CBCS) 6th Sem. May-2023
08-08-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Home Science)(CBCS) 6th Sem. May-2023
08-08-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Fine Arts(BFA)(CBCS) 6th Sem. May-2023
06-08-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.) Part-III May-2023
01-08-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Business Administration(B.B.A.) 6th Sem. May-2023
01-08-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.) Part-III May-2023
01-08-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.) 6th Sem. May-2023
30-07-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.) 6th Sem. May-2023
27-07-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Computer Application(B.C.A.) 6th Sem. May 2023
26-07-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.) 6th Sem. May-2023
25-07-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science (Information Technology) (Hons.) (May-2023)
22-07-2023 Pass % M.A. English 3rd Sem (Dec-2021)
22-07-2023 Pass % M.A. English 1st Sem (Dec-2020)
26-06-2023 Pass % LL.M. Part-2(Feb-2023)
26-06-2023 Pass % LL.M. Part-1(Feb-2023)
26-06-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(CBCS) 5th Dec-2022
23-06-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.)(CBCS) 5th Sem. Dec.-2022
23-06-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(Mass Communication)(CBCS) 5th Sem. Dec.-2022
23-06-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.)(CBCS) 5th Sem. Dec.-2022
23-06-2023 Pass % Master of Science(Engineering Physics)(CBCS) 5th Sem. Dec.-2022
21-06-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Computer Application Dec-2022
07-06-2023 Pass % Master of Business Administration(MBA) 3rd Sem. Dec.-2022
07-06-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.)(CBCS) 5th Sem. Dec-2022
05-06-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.) 1st Sem. Dec.-2022
31-05-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.)(CBCS) 5th Sem. Dec.-2022
27-05-2023 Pass % Master of Business Administration(MBA) 1st Sem. Dec.-2022
26-05-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.) 1st Sem. Dec-2023
24-05-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.) 3rd Sem. Dec.-2023
21-05-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.) 3rd Sem. Dec.-2022
21-05-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Education(B.Ed.)(Reappear) 2nd Year Dec.-2022
17-05-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Tourism(BTM)(CBCS) 5th Sem. Dec.-2022
17-05-2023 Pass % Master of Science Biotechnology (5 Year Integrated Course) 5th Sem.
12-05-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.) 3rd Sem. Dec.-2022
10-05-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Computer Application(BCA) 1st Sem. Dec.-2023
10-05-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Economics) 1st Sem. Dec.-2023
10-05-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Economics) 3rd Sem. Dec.-2023
04-05-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.) 5th Sem. Dec-2022
02-05-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Business Administration(B.B.A.) 1st Sem. Dec-2022
02-05-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.) 5th Sem. Dec-2022
02-05-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Hindi) 3rd Sem. Dec.-2022
02-05-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Hindi) 1st Sem. Dec.-2022
02-05-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology(BHMCT) 2nd Sem. May-2021
02-05-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.) 1st Sem. Dec-2022
02-05-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Business Administration(B.B.A.) 3rd Sem. Dec-2022
27-04-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Graphic and Animation) 5th Sem. Dec-2022
27-04-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology(BHMCT) 5th Sem. Dec-2022
27-04-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology(BHMCT) 4th Sem. May-2022
27-04-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology(BHMCT) 3rd Sem. Dec-2021
27-04-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology(BHMCT) 1st Sem. Dec-2020
22-04-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Computer Application(B.C.A.)(CBCS) 5th Sem. Dec-2022
22-04-2023 Pass % Master of Commerce(M.Com.) 1st Sem. Dec.-2022
22-04-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Multimedia)(CBCS) 5th Dec.-2022
22-04-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Home Science)(CBCS) 5th Sem. Dec-2022
22-04-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science (Printing and Packaging Technology)(CBCS) 5th Sem. Dec-2022
22-04-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Fine Arts(B.F.A.)(CBCS) 5th Sem. Dec.-2022
21-04-2023 Pass % Master of Science(Economics)(Honours)(5 Year Integrated Course) 5th Sem. Dec.-2022
21-04-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.) 5th Sem. Dec.-2022
15-04-2023 Pass% Master of Commerce(M.Com.) 3rd Sem. Dec-2023
15-04-2023 Pass% Master of Arts(English) 3rd Sem. Dec.-2023
15-04-2023 Pass% Master of Arts(English) 1st Sem. Dec.-2023
15-04-2023 Pass% Bachelor of Computer Application(B.C.A.) 5th Sem. Dec-2023
08-04-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Information Technology)(B.Sc.-IT) 1st Sem.(Dec-2023)
08-04-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Information Technology)(B.Sc.-IT) 3rd Sem.(Dec-2023)
08-04-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Information Technology)(B.Sc.-IT) 5th Sem.(Dec-2023)
08-04-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Business Administration(BBA) 5th Sem.(Dec-2023)
03-03-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Home Science)(CBCS) May-2022
03-03-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2022
03-03-2023 Pass % M.Sc. Biotech(CBCS)(5 Year Integrated Course) 4th Sem. May-2022
03-03-2023 Pass % B.A. B.Ed. and B.Sc. B.Ed. 2nd Sem. May-2022
13-02-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Tourism(BTM)(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2022
09-02-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.) Part-1 May-2022
08-02-2023 Pass % M.Sc. Engg. Physics(5 Year Integrated Course)(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2022
01-02-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(Economics)(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2022
01-02-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(English)(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2022
01-02-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(Music)(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2022
01-02-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(Philosophy)(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2022
01-02-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(Sanskrit)(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2022
01-02-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(Vocational)(Tourism and Traval Management)(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2022
01-02-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.)(CBCS-IIHS) 4th Sem. May-2022
01-02-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(Graphic and Animation)(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2022
01-02-2023 Pass % Master of Science(Economics)(5 Year Integrated Course)(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2022
27-01-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.)(DDE+Reappear+Improvement+Addional) Part-1 May-2022
25-01-2023 Pass % Master of Business Administration(MBA) 4th Sem. May-2022
25-01-2023 Pass % M.A.(English)(DDE+Reappear) Part-1 May-2022
25-01-2023 Pass % M.A.(English) Part-2 May-2022
18-01-2023 Pass % B.A.(Vocational)(Tourism and Travel Management) 3rd Sem. Dec-2021
08-01-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Panjabi)(DDE+Reappear) Part-1 May-2022
08-01-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Panjabi) Part-2 May-2022
08-01-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(English) 4th Sem. May-2022
08-01-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(English) 2nd Sem. May-2022
08-01-2023 Pass % B.A.(Vocational)(Tourism and Travel Manement)(CBCS) 3rd Sem. Dec-2021
06-01-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Mass Communication(BAMC)(CBCS) 4th Sem. May-2022
06-01-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(DDE+Reappear) Part-1 May-2022
06-01-2023 Pass % M.Sc. Engineering Physics(5 Year Integrated Course) 3rd Sem. Dec-2021
06-01-2023 Pass % Master of Arts(Education) Part-2 (MAY-2022)
05-01-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(B.A.) 2nd Sem. May-2022
05-01-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.) 2nd Sem. May-2022
02-01-2023 Pass % Bachelor of Education(B.Ed.) May-2022
31-12-2022 Pass % Master of Business Administration(MBA) 2nd Sem. May-2022
29-12-2022 Pass % Master of Pubic Administration Part-1(DDE+Reappear+Improvement) May-2022
29-12-2022 Pass % Master of Economics Part-1(DDE+Reappear+Improvement) May-2022
29-12-2022 Pass % Master of Economics Part-2 May-2022
27-12-2022 Pass % Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application(PGDCA) May-2022
22-12-2022 Pass % Bachelor of Education(B.Ed.-DDE) 1st Year (May-2022)
22-12-2022 Pass % Bachelor of Education(B.Ed.-DDE) 2nd Year (May-2022)
21-12-2022 MA EDUCATION (PREV) Pass Percentage
19-12-2022 Pass % Bachelor of Education(B.Ed.-DDE) 2nd Year (May-2022)
19-12-2022 Pass % Master of Arts(History) 1st Year (DDE+Reappear+Improvement) (May-2022)
19-12-2022 Pass % Master of Arts(Hindi) 1st Year (Reappear+Improvement) (May-2022)
19-12-2022 Pass % Master of Arts(Political Science) 1st Year (DDE+Reappear+Improvement) (May-2022)
19-12-2022 Pass % Master of Arts(Political Science) 2nd Year (May-2022)
19-12-2022 Pass % Master of Arts(History) 2nd Year (May-2022)
19-12-2022 Pass % Bachelor of Arts(BA) 2nd Year(May-2022)
17-12-2022 Pass % Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com.) 2nd Sem. (May-2022)
15-12-2022 Pass % Master of Art(Hindi) 2nd Year May-2022
14-12-2022 MA Hindi 2nd Sem Pass Percentage
14-12-2022 MA Hindi 4th Sem Pass Percentage
13-12-2022 Pass % Bachelor of Business Administration(BBA) 2nd Sem. (May-2022)  
13-12-2022 BA_BED & BSC_BED 1st Sem Pass Percentage  
12-12-2022 LLM 1st Sem Pass Percentage
12-12-2022 LLM 2nd Sem Pass Percentage
12-12-2022 BSC 3rd Sem Printing & Packaging Technology CBCS Pass Percentage
07-12-2022 BSC PART II Detail APRIL 2022