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25-03-2025 24-Date-Sheet for the Shastri Part-III (Annual System) Examinations, May/June 2025.
25-03-2025 23-Date-Sheet for the BCA Part-III (Annual System) Examinations, May/June 2025.
25-03-2025 22-Date-Sheet for the B. Com Part-III (Annual System) Examinations, May/June, 2025.
25-03-2025 21-Date-Sheet for the B.A./B.Sc. (General) Part-III (Annual System) Examinations, May/June2025.
25-03-2025 20-Date-sheet for the Bachelor of Education (General) (1Year Course) Examinations May/June 2025.
25-03-2025 19-Date-sheet for the Bachelor of Education (General) (2 Years Course) Part-I & II (For Affiliated Colleges) Examinations, May/June 2025.
25-03-2025 18-Date-sheet for the Bachelor of Education (General) 2 Years LOCF Part-I & II (For ITTR Students only) Examinations, May/June 2025.
25-03-2025 17-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc Forensic Science (5-years Integrated Course) 4th, 6th, 10th Semester Examinations, May/June, 2025.
25-03-2025 16-Date-Sheet for the BCA (Cloud Technology & Information Security) IV Semester Examinations May/June, 2025.
25-03-2025 15-Date-Sheet for the B. Vocational Courses IV Semester (Non NEP Upto 2023-24) Examinations May/June, 2025.
25-03-2025 14-Date-Sheet for the B. Vocational Courses VI Semester Examinations May/June, 2025.
25-03-2025 13-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc Fashion Designing, B.Sc Fashion & Apparel Design, B.A. Fashion Design, B.Sc Fashion & Textile Designing, B.Sc Interior Design, Bachelor of Fashion and Apparel Design (BFAD) 4th Semester (Non NEP upto 2023-24) Examinations May/June, 2025.
25-03-2025 12-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc. Fashion Designing, B.A. Fashion Design, B.Sc Fashion & Textile Designing, B.Sc Interior Design, Bachelor of Fashion and Apparel Design (BFAD) 6th Semester Examinations May/June, 2025.
24-03-2025 N-56 -Date-sheet notification for re-examination in Paper-B-23-SWK-101: Basics of Social Work of UG Ist Semester (NEP) Theory Examinations to be held on 01-04-2025.
21-03-2025 11-Date-Sheet for the B. Sc Home Science, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA), Bachelor of Tourism Management (BTM), B.Sc. Phy. Edu., Health Edu. & Sports, B.Sc. (Hons) Information Technology (BSIT) 4th Semester (Non NEP upto 2023-24) Examinations May/June, 2025.
21-03-2025 10-Date-Sheet for the B. Sc Home Science, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA), Bachelor of Tourism Management (BTM), B.Sc. Phy. Edu., Health Edu. & Sports, B.Sc. (Hons) Information Technology (BSIT) 6th Semester Examinations May/June, 2025.
21-03-2025 09-Date-sheet for the B.A. (Honours) IV Semester (Main Papers) (Non NEP upto 2023-24) Examinations May/June, 2025.
21-03-2025 08-Date-sheet for the B.Sc. Hons. (Main Papers) VI Semester Examinations May/June, 2025.
21-03-2025 07-Date-sheet for the B.A. Hons. (Main Papers) VI Semester Examinations May/June, 2025.
21-03-2025 06-Date-Sheet for the B.Com (General, Hons. & Vocational) IV Semester (Non NEP upto 2023-24) Examinations May/June, 2025.
21-03-2025 05-Date-Sheet for the B.Com. (General, Hons. & Vocational) VI Semester Examinations May/June, 2025.
21-03-2025 04-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc. IV SEMESTER (Non NEP upto 2023-24) Examinations May/June, 2025.
21-03-2025 03-Date-Sheet for the B.A. (General) & Hons (Subsidary) IV SEMESTER (Non NEP upto 2023-24) Examinations May/June, 2025.
21-03-2025 02-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc. VI SEMESTER Examinations May/June, 2025.
21-03-2025 01-Date-Sheet for the B.A.(General) & Hons (Subsidary) VI SEMESTER Examinations May/June, 2025.
18-03-2025 169 - Date-Sheet for the PG Diploma in Cyber Forensic & Cyber Security Ist Semester Examinations, March, 2025.
04-03-2025 168-Date-Sheet for the MCA 3rd Semester (For CDOE Candidates) Examinations, March, 2025.
04-03-2025 167-Date-Sheet of the following Classes/Courses for the candidates who have participated in Sports/NCC/Cultural activities etc. Examinations, March, 2025.
04-03-2025 166-Date-Sheet of UG Programme & Integrated Courses II, IV & V Semester (NEP Scheme) for the candidates who have participated in Sports/NCC/Cultural activities etc. Examinations, March, 2025.
04-03-2025 165-Date-Sheet of UG Programme & Integrated Courses 3rd Semester (NEP Scheme) for the candidates who have participated in Sports/NCC/Cultural activities etc. and also for Re-appear Candidates of IIHS) Examinations, March, 2025.
04-03-2025 164-Date-Sheet of UG Programme & Integrated Courses Ist Semester (NEP Scheme) for the candidates who have participated in Sports/NCC/Cultural activities etc. and Deficiency Papers for IIHS Candidates ) Examinations, March, 2025.
24-02-2025 163-Date-Sheet for the M.Tech (Electrical & Instrumentation) I Semester Examinations, Feb/Mar, 2025.
18-02-2025 162-Date-Sheet for B.Pharmacy I Semester Examinations, March, 2025.
10-02-2025 161-Date-Sheet for the PG Diploma in Fashion Design and PG Diploma in Skin & Hair Therapy Ist Semester Examinations, February, 2025.
06-02-2025 N-46-Date-Sheet notification of UG Programme Ist Semester (Old NEP Scheme 2022-23) for IIHS Theory Examinations, February, 2025.
29-01-2025 N-45-Date-Sheet notification of UG Programme Ist Semester (Old NEP Scheme 2022-23) for IIHS Theory Examinations, February, 2025.
27-01-2025 160-Date-Sheet for the UG Programme & Integrated Courses Ist Semester (Old NEP Scheme 2022-23) Examinations, February, 2025.
22-01-2025 N-44-Date-Sheet notification of UG Programme 3rd Semester (NEP) for IIHS Theory Examinations, Jan/Feb, 2025.
22-01-2025 N-43-Date-Sheet notification of UG Programme 5th Semester (NEP) for IIHS Theory Examinations, Jan/Feb, 2025.
22-01-2025 N-42-Date-sheet notification for re-examination of BA (Hons) 3rd Semester (CBCS) for IIHS Theory Examinations Jan/Feb, 2025.
22-01-2025 N-41-Date-Sheet notification of B. Tech. 5th Semester (Old Syllabus) Theory Examinations, Jan/Feb, 2025.
21-01-2025 159-Date-Sheet for the B.Tech (Electrical & Instrumentation) VIII Semester (Re-appear) Examinations, January, 2025.
21-01-2025 158-Date-Sheet for the M.Ed. (General) I & III Semester Examinations, February, 2025.
17-01-2025 N-40-Date-Sheet notification regarding Timing change of University Theory Examinations w.e.f. 18-01-2025.
16-01-2025 E-12- Date-Sheet for the M. Tech Computer Science & Engineering (AIML) Examinations, Jan/Feb, 2025.
15-01-2025 98-A-Revised Date-Sheet for the UG Programme 5th Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) (For IMC & MT), Examinations, February, 2025.
15-01-2025 157-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Sociology, M.B.A. & MCA Ist Semester (For CDOE) Examinations, Jan/Feb, 2025.
15-01-2025 156-Date-Sheet for the B. Lib & Information Science, M.Com (Previous & Final) and B.Ed Part-I (Annual System) (For CDOE) Examinations, Jan/Feb, 2025.
15-01-2025 155-Date-Sheet for the B.A. (General) Part-I (Annual System) (For CDOE) Examinations, Jan/Feb, 2025.
13-01-2025 121-A- RevisedDate-Sheet for the M.Ed. Special Education (V.I.) I Semester, B.Ed. Special Education (V.I.) I Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
09-01-2025 N-39-Date-Sheet notification of B. Tech. 5th Semester (Old Syllabus) Theory Examinations, January, 2025.
09-01-2025 N-38-Date-Sheet notification of M. Sc. Engineering Physics 3rd Semester (CBCS) Theory Examinations, January, 2025.
09-01-2025 N-33-A-Date-Sheet notification of MPA I & V Semester Theory Examinations, January, 2025.
08-01-2025 N-37-Date-Sheet notification for rescheduled Instrumentation Department Theory Examinations, January, 2025.
08-01-2025 N-36-Date-Sheet notification for rescheduled UG/Integrated Courses I & III Semester (NEP)Theory Examinations, January, 2025.
06-01-2025 154-Date-Sheet for the B.Lib Science Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
02-01-2025 N-34-Date-Sheet notification of B. Tech. 7th Semester (Old Syllabus) Theory Examinations, January, 2025.
02-01-2025 N-33-Date-Sheet notification of MPA I & V Semester Theory Examinations, January, 2025.
02-01-2025 N-32- Date-Sheet notification for rescheduled MA AIH I Sem, PG Diploma in Archaeology I Sem and PG Diploma in Guidance, Counselling and Psychotherapy I Sem (NEP)Theory Examinations, January, 2025.
02-01-2025 N-31- Date-Sheet notification for rescheduled of PGDHEM Ist Semester (NEP), MA Women Studies & PG Dip in Women's Studies I Semester (NEP) and MBA (2Yr.) 3rd Semester (for USOM) Theory Examinations, January, 2025.
02-01-2025 66-A- RevisedDate-Sheet for the M.A. in Fine Arts I SEMESTER and Master of Fine Arts I Semester (CBCS Scheme) Examinations, January, 2025.
02-01-2025 150-A- Revised Date-Sheet for the UG Programme in BCA (CTIS) and BBA (Digital Marketing) 3rd Semester (NEP Scheme ) Examinations, Jan/Feb, 2025.
02-01-2025 153-Date-Sheet for the B.Tech (Electrical) I Semester and B. Tech (Elect. & Inst.) I & III Semester Examinations, January, 2025.
30-12-2024 152 Date-sheet for the B.Ed. Special Education (H.I.) Ist & 3rd Semester Examinations, January, 2025.
30-12-2024 151 Date-Sheet for 4-Year Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP) Ist Semester Examinations, Jan/Feb, 2025.
27-12-2024 N-30-Date-Sheet notification of PG Dip in Archaeology I Semester (Non NEP) which could not be held on 03-12-2024 Theory Examinations, Dec/Jan, 2024-25.
27-12-2024 N-28-Date-Sheet notification of B.Ed Special Education & M.Ed Special Education I Semester (NEP) Theory Examinations, January, 2025.
20-12-2024 150-Date-Sheet for the UG Programme & Integrated Courses 3rd Semester (NEP Scheme ) Examinations, Jan/Feb, 2025.
20-12-2024 149-Date-Sheet for the UG Programme & Integrated Courses Ist Semester (NEP Scheme) Examinations, Jan/Feb, 2025.
20-12-2024 N-25-Date-Sheet notification of MTTM 3rd Semester (CBCS Re-appear) Theory Examinations, Dec/Jan, 2024-25.
17-12-2024 E-11-Date-Sheet for the B. Tech Engineering I, III, V, VII & VIII Semester (Old Syllabus N Series) Examinations, Dec/Jan, 2024-25.
17-12-2024 N-24-Date-Sheet notification for rescheduled MPA 5th Semester (CBCS/LOCF) Theory Examinations, December, 2024.
17-12-2024 N-23-Date-Sheet notification of B. Tech 5th Semester and M. Tech CSE I Semester (Old Syllabus) Theory Examinations, December, 2024.
17-12-2024 N-22-Date-sheet notification for re-examination of LLB I Semester Theory Examinations December, 2024.
12-12-2024 148-Date-Sheet for the MCA, M.Sc. Computer Sc. (Software) & PGDCA Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
12-12-2024 147-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Hindi Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
12-12-2024 146- Date-Sheet for the P.G. Dip in Archives & Records Mgt I Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
12-12-2024 145-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Business Economics Ist Semester and M.A. Economics Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 N-20-Date-sheet notification for rescheduled MA Women's Studies 3rd Semester Theory Examinations December, 2024.
11-12-2024 E-10-Date-Sheet for B.Tech. Engineering I Semester (NEP wef 2024-25) Examinations, Dec/Jan, 2024-25
11-12-2024 E-9-Date-Sheet for the B. Tech Engineering I, III, V, VII & VIII Semester (Old Syllabus) Examinations, Dec/Jan, 2024-25.
11-12-2024 144-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Zoology Ist Semester & M.Sc. Forensic Science I Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 143-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Sanskrit Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 142-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Music Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 141-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Statistics Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 140-Date-Sheet for the Master of Social Work I Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 139-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Environmental Science Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 138-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Political Science Ist Semester & M.A. Defence & Strategic Studies Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 137-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Public Administration Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 136-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Human Rights Ist Semester & M. Sc. Applied Physics Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 135-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Biochemistry Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 134-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Punjabi Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 133-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Home Science Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 132-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Chemistry Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 131-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Microbiology Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 130-Date-Sheet for the MA Journalism & Mass Communication, M.Sc. Mass Communication, M.Sc. Graphic Animation & Multimedia, M.Sc. Printing, Graphics & Packaging Technology (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 129-Date-Sheet for the MTTM I Semester, MHMCT I Semester, PG Dip in Hospitality and Event Management I Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 128-Date-Sheet for the Master of Business Management (MBA) I Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 127-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Women Studies I Semester, PG Dip in Women's Studies I Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 126-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Philosophy Ist Semester, PG Dip in Archaeology I Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 125-Date-Sheet for the M.A. AIH Ist Semester, PG Dip in Archaeology I Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 124-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Yoga Ist Semester, PG Dip in Yoga I Semester, PG Dip in Yoga Therapy I Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 123-Date-Sheet for the M.A. English Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 122-Date-Sheet for the M.A. History Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 121-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Education I Semester, M.Ed. Special Education (V.I.) I Semester, B.Ed. Special Education (V.I.) I Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 120-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Sociology Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 119-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Psychology Ist Semester & PG Dip in Guidance, Counselling and Psychotherapy Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 118-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Applied Geology Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 117-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Physics Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 116-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Geography Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 115-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Electronic Science Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 114-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Biotechnology Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 113-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Mathematics Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 112-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Botany Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 111-Date-Sheet for the M.Com & M.Com (I.T.) Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
09-12-2024 N-19-Date-sheet notification for rescheduled B. Tech (Elect. & Inst.) 7th Semester Theory Examinations December, 2024.
05-12-2024 N-18-Date-Sheet notification of MPA 5th & 7th Semester (CBCS/LOCF) Theory Examinations, December, 2024.
03-12-2024 N-16-Date-Sheet notification of MBA 3rd Sem (USOM), B.Voc Textile & Fashion Designing I Sem Theory Examinations, December, 2024.
03-12-2024 110-Date-Sheet for the B.Tech (Electrical & Instrumentation) V, VI & VII Semester (Regular & Re-appear) Examinations, December, 2024.
28-11-2024 N-14-Date-Sheet notification UG Media Courses 5th Semester (NEP Scheme) Theory Examinations, December, 2024.
26-11-2024 109-Date-sheet for the B.Sc. Fashion & Apparel Design V Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
25-11-2024 N-12-Date-Sheet notification of B.A. Mass Communication 3rd Semester, B.Sc. GAG 3rd Semester and B.Sc. Multimedia 3rd & 5th Semester (CBCS) Theory Examinations, December, 2024.
22-11-2024 58-A-Revised Date-Sheet for M.Sc. Bio-Chemistry I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
22-11-2024 N-10- Date-sheet notification for rescheduled LLB (3Yr) I & III Sem and LLM 3rd Semester Theory Examinations December, 2024.
21-11-2024 N-9-Date-Sheet notification of MPA 9th Semester (CBCS) Theory Examinations, December, 2024.
21-11-2024 N-8-Date-Sheet notification of B.Voc in Fashion Technology I Sem & MBA (2Yr) I Sem (Old) Theory Examinations, December, 2024.
18-11-2024 107-Date-sheet for the B.Com I, III & V Semester (Old Syllabus) Examinations, December, 2024.
18-11-2024 106-Date-sheet for the B.A. B.Ed./B.Sc B.Ed Ist Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
18-11-2024 105-Date-sheet for the B.A. B.Ed./B.Sc B.Ed 3rd Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
18-11-2024 104-Date-sheet for the B.A. B.Ed./B.Sc B.Ed 5th Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
18-11-2024 103-Date-sheet for the B.A. B.Ed./B.Sc B.Ed 7th Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
18-11-2024 102-Date-Sheet for the B. Lib. Science II Semester, M.Lib Science I & II Semester (Re-appear) Examinations, December, 2024.
16-11-2024 N-6-Date-sheet notification for rescheduled M.Sc. Env.Sc. Ist Sem (Non NEP) and M. Tech. Energy Env. Mgt. Ist Sem Theory Examinations December, 2024.
13-11-2024 N-5- Date-sheet notification for rescheduled MPA 7th & 9th Semester Theory Examinations December, 2024.
13-11-2024 N-3-Date-Sheet notification of BALLB 7th Sem, B.Voc Interior Designing I Sem (Non NEP), MCA I Sem (Non NEP) Theory Examinations, December, 2024.
13-11-2024 98-Date-Sheet for the UG Programme & Integrated Courses 5th Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) (For IMS, IMC & MT, Fine Arts and Music Department candidates), Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 N-2-Date-Sheet notification of BBA (Hons) 5th Semester Theory Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 E-8-Date-Sheet for B. Architecture I, III, V and VII Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 E-7-Date-Sheet of M.Tech. Engineering 3rd Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 E-6-Date-Sheet of M.Tech. Engineering Ist Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 E-5-Date-Sheet for B.Tech. Engineering I Semester (Non NEP) Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 E-4-Date-Sheet for B.Tech. Engineering III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 E-3-Date-Sheet for B.Tech. Engineering V Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 E-2-Date-Sheet for B.Tech. Engineering VII Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 E-1-Date-sheet for the B.Tech. Engineering VIII Semester (Special) Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 89-Date-sheet for the M.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 88-Date-sheet for the M.Sc. Computer Science (Software) I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 87-Date-sheet for the MCA I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
28-10-2024 86-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Economics I & III Semester and M.A. Business Economics I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
28-10-2024 85-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Education I & III Semester, M.Ed Special Education (V.I.) I & III Semester, B.Ed Special Education I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
28-10-2024 84- Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Statistics I & III SEMESTER Examinaions, December, 2024.
28-10-2024 83- Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Chemistry I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
28-10-2024 82- Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Physics I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
28-10-2024 81- Date-Sheet for P.G. Diploma in Knowledge Traditions in Sanskrit and Indology I Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
28-10-2024 80- Date-Sheet for the M.A. Sanskrit I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
22-10-2024 79-Date-Sheet for the M.B.A. (2 Year) (FOR AFFILIATED INSTITUTIONS) I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
22-10-2024 78-Date-Sheet for the M.B.A. (2 Year) (FOR UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT) I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
22-10-2024 77- Date-Sheet for the M.P.Ed. I & III Semester, M.A. Yoga I & III Semester and PG Diploma in Yoga I Semester, B.P.Ed I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
22-10-2024 76-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Mathematics I & III SEMESTER (Non CBCS) Examinations, December, 2024.
22-10-2024 75-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Mathematics I & III SEMESTER (CBCS/LOCF) Examinations, December, 2024.
22-10-2024 74-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc. Graphics Animation & Gaming, B.Sc. Printing & Packaging Technology V SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
22-10-2024 73-Date-Sheet for the B. Sc. Multimedia I, III & V SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
22-10-2024 72-Date-Sheet for the B.A. Mass Communication I, III & V SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
22-10-2024 71-Date-sheet for the M.Sc Graphic Animation & Multimedia and M.Sc Printing, Graphics & Packaging Technology I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
22-10-2024 70- Date-Sheet for the M.A. Journalism & Mass Communication I & III Semester and M.Sc. Mass Communication III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
22-10-2024 69- Date-Sheet for the M.A. Music I & III SEMESTER & MPA VII & IX Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
18-10-2024 68-Date-Sheet for the MHM&CT I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
18-10-2024 67- Date-Sheet for the MTTM I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
18-10-2024 66- Date-Sheet for the M.A. in Fine Arts I & III SEMESTER and Master of Fine Arts I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
18-10-2024 65- Date-Sheet for the BFA I, III, V & VII (Non CBCS) Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
18-10-2024 64- Date-Sheet for the BFA I, III, V & VII Semester (CBCS only) Examinations, December, 2024.
18-10-2024 63- Date-Sheet for the M.A. Hindi I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
18-10-2024 62-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Botany I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
18-10-2024 61-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Applied Physics & Industrial Chemistry I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
18-10-2024 60- Date-sheet for the M.Com. Information Technology & M.A. Human Rights I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
11-10-2024 59- Date-Sheet for the MA Philosophy I & III Semester, Diploma in Yoga & Applied Philosophy I Semester, Diploma in Reasoning and Certificate Program in Moral & Spiritual Counseling I Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
11-10-2024 58-Date-Sheet for M.Sc. Bio-Chemistry I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
11-10-2024 57-Date-Sheet for the Master of Social Work I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
11-10-2024 56-Date-Sheet for the BBA (Hons) I, III & V Semester (IMS Candidates) Examinations, December, 2024.
11-10-2024 55-Date-Sheet for the M.B.A. (5 Years) I, III, V, VII & IX SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
11-10-2024 54-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Home Science I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
11-10-2024 53-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Punjabi I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
11-10-2024 52-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Microbiology I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
11-10-2024 51-Date-Sheet for the M.A. English I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
11-10-2024 50-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Electronics Science & M.Tech. Microelectronics & VLSI Design I & III SEMESTER Examinations to be held in December, 2024.
11-10-2024 49-Date-Sheet for the M.A. A.I.H. Culture and Archaeology I & III Semester & PG Dip in Archaeology Ist Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
11-10-2024 48-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Zoology and M.Sc Forensic Science I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 47-Date-Sheet for the B. Lib. Science I Semester & M.Lib Science I Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 46-Date-Sheet for the M.Tech. (Applied Geology) III, V, VII, IX SEMESTER (CBCS only) Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 45-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. (Applied Geology) I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 44-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Sociology I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 43-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Geography I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 42-Date-sheet for the LL.M. (2 Year Course) I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 41-Date-sheet for the LL.B. (3 Yrs Course) I, III & V SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 40-Date-Sheet for the M.A. History I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 39-Date-Sheet for the Bachelor of Hotel Management & Catering Technology (BHM&CT) Ist, 3rd and 7th Semester (NON CBCS Scheme) Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 38-Date-Sheet for the Bachelor of Hotel Management & Catering Technology (BHM&CT) Ist, 3rd and 7th Semester (CBCS Scheme) Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 37-Date-sheet for the LL.M. I SEMESTER (Under SFS) Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 36-Date-Sheet for the BBA.L.L.B. (I, III, V, VII & IX) Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 35-Date-Sheet for the B.A. LL.B (I, III, V, VII & IX Semester) Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 34-Date-Sheet for M.Pharmacy Ist Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 33-Date-Sheet for the B. Pharmacy III, V & VII SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 32-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Women’s Studies I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 31-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Environmental Science & M.Tech. Energy & Environmental Management I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 30-Date-Sheet for the M.Com. I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 29-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Biotechnology I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 28-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Psychology I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 27-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Defence & Strategic Studies I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 26-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Political Science I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 25-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Public Administration I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
24-09-2024 24-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc Forensic Science (5years Integrated Course) Ist, 3rd, 5th, 7th & 9th Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
24-09-2024 23-Date-Sheet for the Bachelor of Vocational (B.Voc) Ist Semester (Non NEP upto 2022-23) Examinations, December, 2024.
24-09-2024 22-Date-Sheet for the Bachelor of Vocational (B.Voc) 3rd Semester (Non NEP upto 2023-24) Examinations, December, 2024.
24-09-2024 21-Date-Sheet for the Bachelor of Vocational (B.Voc) 5th Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 20-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc. (Hons) Information Technology (BSIT), Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA), BCA (CTIS), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Tourism Management (BTM) Ist Semester (Non NEP upto 2022-23) Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 19-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc Fashion Designing, B.A. Fashion Design, B.Sc Home Science, B.Sc. Phy. Edu., Health Edu. & Sports, Bachelor of Fashion and Apparel Design (BFAD), B.Sc. Fashion and Textile Design, Ist SEMESTER (Non NEP upto 2022-23) Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 18-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc. (Hons) Information Technology (BSIT), Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA), BCA (CTIS), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Tourism Management (BTM) 3rd Semester (Non NEP upto 2023-24) Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 17-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc Fashion Designing, B.A. Fashion Design, B.Sc Home Science, B.Sc. Phy. Edu., Health Edu. & Sports, Bachelor of Fashion and Apparel Design (BFAD), B.Sc. Fashion and Textile Design, 3rd Semester 3rd SEMESTER (Non NEP upto 2023-24) Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 16-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc. (Hons) Information Technology (BSIT), Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA), BCA (CTIS), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Tourism Management (BTM), 5th Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 15-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc Fashion Designing, B.A. Fashion Design, B.Sc Home Science, B.Sc. Phy. Edu., Health Edu. & Sports, Bachelor of Fashion and Apparel Design (BFAD), B.Sc. Fashion and Textile Design, B.Sc Interior Design 5th SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 14-Date-Sheet for the B.A. (HONOURS) I SEMESTER (MAIN PAPERS) (Non NEP upto 2022-23) Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 13-Date-Sheet for the B.A. (HONOURS) III SEMESTER (MAIN PAPERS) (Non NEP upto 2023-24) Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 12-Date-Sheet for the BA/B.Sc. Mathematics (HONOURS) V SEMESTER (MAIN PAPERS) Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 11-Date-Sheet for the B.A. (HONOURS) V SEMESTER (MAIN PAPERS) Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 10-Date-Sheet for the B.Com. Ist Semester (General, Hons. & Vocational) (Non NEP upto 2022-23) Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 09-Date-Sheet for the B.Com. Ist Semester (General, Hons. & Vocational) (Non NEP upto 2022-23) Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 08-Date-Sheet for the B.A.& Hons (Subsidary) Ist SEMESTER (Non NEP upto 2022-23) Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 07-Date-Sheet for the B.Com. 3rd Semester (General, Hons. & Vocational) (Non NEP upto 2023-24) Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 06-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc. III SEMESTER (Non NEP upto 2023-24) Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 05-Date-Sheet for the B.A. & Hons (Subsidary) III SEMESTER (Non NEP upto 2023-24) Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 04-Date-Sheet for the B.Com (Banking and Insurance & E-Commerce Part-III; Specialty Programme) 5th SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 03-Date-Sheet for the B.Com (Banking and Insurance & E-Commerce Part-III; Specialty Programme) 5th SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 02-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc. V SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 01-Date-Sheet for the B.A. & Hons (Subsidary) V SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.


11-03-2025 Date sheet for M.Com IInd Year (Annual System) for CDOE Students
10-02-2025 Date Sheet for practical examination of MCA 2nd Sem. (CDOE) held in Feb.2025
24-01-2025 Centre-List for practical examinations of PGDCA 1st Semester (NEP) for Regular Candidates to be held in Jan./Feb. 2025.
24-12-2024 Conduct of practical examinations of M.Tech. 1st Semester for the session Nov./Dec. 2024-25
20-12-2024 Notification regarding Practical Examination(UG) for the session Dec.2024-Jan.2025.
21-11-2024 Conduct of Practical Examinations of Certificate Course in Computer Application (CCA)
23-10-2024 Notification regarding schedule of B.Tech. Practical & Theory Odd Semester Examinations for the session Dec./Jan. 2024-25
09-10-2024 Date-Sheet for Practical Examination of MCA 1st Semester (CDOE)
24-09-2024 Revised Date-sheet for practical examinations of MBA/PGDBA 1st & 2nd year for Fresh/Re-appear Students of CDOE for the session Jan-Dec. 2023 and May/June 2024
24-09-2024 Date-Sheet for the practical examinations of MBA/PGDBA for Fresh/Re-appear students of CDOE, KUK for the session May/June 2024
20-09-2024 Date Sheet for Practical Examinations of M.A (AIH) Final Year Private students to be held in September 2024.
19-09-2024 Schedule of Practical Examination of M.Sc. Geography (Final) Distance Education
19-09-2024 Schedule of Practical Examination of M.Sc.(Previous) Geography (Distance Education)
06-08-2024 Date-Sheet for practical examinations of B.Lib. & Inf. Sc., D.Lib. & Inf. Sc. and M.Lib. & Inf. Sc. for Re-appear students only E
01-08-2024 Date-sheet for B.Ed Additional practical examinations
19-07-2024 Date-Sheet for Practical Examinations of PGDCA Distance Education/ Reappear students
17-07-2024 Date-Sheet for Practical Examination of M.A. Economics Previous
16-07-2024 Date-Sheet for practical examination of M.Sc. Mathematics Final Year CDOE/ Reappear/ Private
11-07-2024 Practical Examination schedule for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./BCA-Ist &2nd year (Annual System only) in the subject of Fine Arts to be held at the Department of Fine Arts, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.
05-07-2024 Date-Sheet for practical examination of M.Com. final (Annual System) Distance Education/ Re-appear Students
05-07-2024 Date-Sheet for the Conduct of B.Ed (CDOE)-1st & 2nd year practical examinations.
03-07-2024 Practical Examination schedule for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./BCA-Ist &2nd year (Annual System only) for private/DDE/Additional/Re-appear/candidates only to be held in July/August,2024
03-07-2024 Date- Sheet for Practical Examinations of MCA 2nd & 3rd year DDE/ Re-appear Candidates
28-06-2024 Revised Date-Sheet for practical examinations of M.Sc. ( Comp. Science) Previous & Final Year
26-06-2024 Date-Sheet for practical examinations of M.Sc. (Comp. Science) Previous & Final Year Distance Education/ Re-appear Candidates
14-06-2024 Date sheet for B.Ed-2nd year practical exams
11-06-2024 Notification for PGDCA Practical examinations for the session June 2024
05-06-2024 Notification for M.Tech. 2nd Sem. Practical Examinations to be held in June 2024
05-06-2024 Revised Practical Examination Date-Sheet schedule in continuation of Letter No. CP/IV/24/11042-11081for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./BCA final year (Annual system) (for Fresh/Re-appear/Private/DDE/Additional candidates only) in the subject of Fine Arts to be held in June,2024
31-05-2024 Revised Practical Examination Date-Sheet schedule for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./BCA final year (Annual system) (for Fresh/Re-appear/Private/DDE/Additional candidates only) to be held in June,2024
29-05-2024 Practical Examination schedule for B.A/B.Sc./B.Com./BCA final year (Annual system) for Fresh/Re-appear/private/DDE/Additional candidates only )to be held in June,2024
06-05-2024 Conduct of practical examinations under-graduate 2nd semester courses (under NEP) for all Regular students, May,2024
02-05-2024 Schedule of practical examinations of B.Tech. Even semester for the session May/June 2024.
12-04-2024 Notification regarding Practical Examinations.
06-04-2024 Conduct of Practical Examinations of Under-Graduate 4th & 6th Semester (for all Regular/Re-appear students) for the session May/June,2024
17-11-2023 Notification regarding Guidelines for Conduct of Practical Examinations.
04-03-2023 Guidelines regarding conduct of Under-Graduate courses Ist Semester NEP examinations
16-01-2023 Notification for shifting of practical examinations Centre for B.Tech. 5th Sem. from TERII to IIET, Kurukshetra
06-12-2023 Information regarding conduct of Practical Examinations of all Self-Finance Courses of Inst. /Colleges for the session December,2023/January,2024 (except University campus course)
26-10-2023 Notification regarding schedule of Engineering Examinations.
22-09-2023 Date Sheet for Practical Examinations of M.A (A.I.H.) Final Year Private students to be held in September, 2023.
22-09-2023 Date-Sheet for Practical Examination of PG Diploma in Taxation(DDE)
20-09-2023 Date-Sheet for Practical examinations of M.A. (A.I.H) Final Year Private students
08-09-2023 Revised Schedule of Practical Examination of M.Sc. Geography Final Distance Education
05-09-2023 Date-sheet for the conduct of B.Ed (Additional) course practical examinations
01-09-2023 Schedule of practical examination of M.A. Economics (Annual)
29-08-2023 Schedule of practical examination of M.Sc.( Geography) previous Distance Education
24-08-2023 Schedule of practical examination of M.Sc. Geography final year Distance Education
17-08-2023 Date-sheet for practical examinations of MBA 1st & 2nd year and PGDBA (for Fresh/Re-appear Students only) to be held in August 2023
11-08-2023 Date sheet for Practical Examinations of Diploma in Yoga, Distance Education Candidates/ Re-appear candidates to be held in August 2023.
11-08-2023 Date-Sheet for practical examinations of M.Sc. Mathematics Final Year DDE
08-08-2023 Date-sheet for practical examinations of B.Lib./M.Lib./D.Lib for Re-appear students only to be held in August 2023
07-08-2023 Date-Sheet for Practical examinations of PGDCA (for Fresh students of Distance Education and Re-appear Students) for the session Jan. 2022 to Dec. 2022 and July 2022 to May 2023
02-08-2023 Practical date-sheet of certificate course /Diplomas /D.P.Ed examination to be held in August,2023
29-07-2023 Date- Sheet for practical examination of M.Sc (Mathematics) Final Year Distance Education/Reappear students
29-07-2023 Date-Sheet for Practical examinations of MCA 1st, 2nd & 3rd Year Distance education/Reappear candidates
29-07-2023 Date Sheet for practical examination of M.Sc( Comp. Sc.) Previous & Final Year Distance Education/Re-appear Candidates
25-07-2023 Date-Sheet for practical examinations of B.Ed-2 year course (1st & 2nd year) through Directorate of Distance Education.
14-07-2023 Revised Date sheet notification for second phase of B.Ed-2nd year practical examinations
12-07-2023 Notification for practical examinations for B.A. in the subject of Fine Arts (1st year & 2nd year)(Annual System)
12-07-2023 Notification for practical examinations to be held from 17-07-2023 to 19-07-2023 has been postponed due to heavy rain and water logging
10-07-2023 Datesheet for practical examinations of M.Com Final year (DDE)
10-07-2023 Schedule for Under-Graduate 1st & 2nd Year (Annual system) for Fresh/Re-appear/DDE/Addnl. students
30-06-2023 Conduct of practical examination in the subject of Statistics for Private/Distance Education/re-appear (Annual system) students
22-06-2023 Conduct of practical examination in the subject of Physics for Private/Distance Education/re-appear (Annual system) students
14-06-2023 Schedule for practical examinations of all Final year Under-graduate courses (Annual System) June/July 2023
09-06-2023 Date-Sheet for Practical Examinations of B.Ed-2nd year for Regular/Re-appear candidates of SFS colleges/Institutes to be held in July/August, 2023
08-06-2023 Date-sheet for practical examinations of PGDCA Regular (Fresh/Re-appear) students to be held in June/July 2023
29-05-2023 Date-Sheet for practical examinations of B.Tech. 8th Semester (All Branches) for Regular/Re-appear/ Old Candidates of affiliated Institutes/Colleges to be held in May/June 2023.
27-04-2023 Guidelines regarding conduct of practical examinations of engineering courses and payment of remuneration and TA/DA
27-04-2023 Schedule of Engineering examinations (Even Semester) for the session May/June 2023
21-04-2023 Date-sheet for practical examinations of Postgraduate 2nd & 4th Semester courses for Regular/Re-appear students to be held in May 2023
21-04-2023 Date-sheet for practical examinations of Undergraduate 2nd, 4th, 6th Semester courses for Regular/Re-appear students to be held in May 2023
28-03-2023 Date-Sheet for B.Ed (General)-2nd year Practical Examinations of (Skill-in-Teaching & EPC) i.e. 02 Pedagogy Paper & EPC I, II, III & IV for Regular/Re-appear candidates for the session 2021-2023
13-01-2023 Date-sheet of practical examinations of B.Tech. 5th Sem.
13-01-2023 Date-sheet of practical examinations of B.Tech. 3rd Sem
13-01-2023 Date-Sheet of Practical Examinations of B.Tech - 7th Sem