25-03-2025 |
24-Date-Sheet for the Shastri Part-III (Annual System) Examinations, May/June 2025.
25-03-2025 |
23-Date-Sheet for the BCA Part-III (Annual System) Examinations, May/June 2025.
25-03-2025 |
22-Date-Sheet for the B. Com Part-III (Annual System) Examinations, May/June, 2025.
25-03-2025 |
21-Date-Sheet for the B.A./B.Sc. (General) Part-III (Annual System) Examinations, May/June2025.
25-03-2025 |
20-Date-sheet for the Bachelor of Education (General) (1Year Course) Examinations May/June 2025.
25-03-2025 |
19-Date-sheet for the Bachelor of Education (General) (2 Years Course) Part-I & II (For Affiliated Colleges) Examinations, May/June 2025.
25-03-2025 |
18-Date-sheet for the Bachelor of Education (General) 2 Years LOCF Part-I & II (For ITTR Students only) Examinations, May/June 2025.
25-03-2025 |
17-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc Forensic Science (5-years Integrated Course) 4th, 6th, 10th Semester Examinations, May/June, 2025.
25-03-2025 |
16-Date-Sheet for the BCA (Cloud Technology & Information Security) IV Semester Examinations May/June, 2025.
25-03-2025 |
15-Date-Sheet for the B. Vocational Courses IV Semester (Non NEP Upto 2023-24) Examinations May/June, 2025.
25-03-2025 |
14-Date-Sheet for the B. Vocational Courses VI Semester Examinations May/June, 2025.
25-03-2025 |
13-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc Fashion Designing, B.Sc Fashion & Apparel Design, B.A. Fashion Design, B.Sc Fashion & Textile Designing, B.Sc Interior Design, Bachelor of Fashion and Apparel Design (BFAD) 4th Semester (Non NEP upto 2023-24) Examinations May/June, 2025.
25-03-2025 |
12-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc. Fashion Designing, B.A. Fashion Design, B.Sc Fashion & Textile Designing, B.Sc Interior Design, Bachelor of Fashion and Apparel Design (BFAD) 6th Semester Examinations May/June, 2025.
24-03-2025 |
N-56 -Date-sheet notification for re-examination in Paper-B-23-SWK-101: Basics of Social Work of
UG Ist Semester (NEP) Theory Examinations to be held on 01-04-2025.
21-03-2025 |
11-Date-Sheet for the B. Sc Home Science, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of
Computer Application (BCA), Bachelor of Tourism Management (BTM), B.Sc. Phy. Edu., Health Edu. &
Sports, B.Sc. (Hons) Information Technology (BSIT) 4th Semester (Non NEP upto 2023-24)
Examinations May/June, 2025.
21-03-2025 |
10-Date-Sheet for the B. Sc Home Science, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of
Computer Application (BCA), Bachelor of Tourism Management (BTM), B.Sc. Phy. Edu., Health Edu. &
Sports, B.Sc. (Hons) Information Technology (BSIT) 6th Semester Examinations May/June, 2025.
21-03-2025 |
09-Date-sheet for the B.A. (Honours) IV Semester (Main Papers) (Non NEP upto 2023-24) Examinations
May/June, 2025.
21-03-2025 |
08-Date-sheet for the B.Sc. Hons. (Main Papers) VI Semester Examinations May/June, 2025.
21-03-2025 |
07-Date-sheet for the B.A. Hons. (Main Papers) VI Semester Examinations May/June, 2025.
21-03-2025 |
06-Date-Sheet for the B.Com (General, Hons. & Vocational) IV Semester (Non NEP upto 2023-24)
Examinations May/June, 2025.
21-03-2025 |
05-Date-Sheet for the B.Com. (General, Hons. & Vocational) VI Semester Examinations May/June, 2025.
21-03-2025 |
04-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc. IV SEMESTER (Non NEP upto 2023-24) Examinations May/June, 2025.
21-03-2025 |
03-Date-Sheet for the B.A. (General) & Hons (Subsidary) IV SEMESTER (Non NEP upto 2023-24)
Examinations May/June, 2025.
21-03-2025 |
02-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc. VI SEMESTER Examinations May/June, 2025.
21-03-2025 |
01-Date-Sheet for the B.A.(General) & Hons (Subsidary) VI SEMESTER Examinations May/June, 2025.
18-03-2025 |
169 - Date-Sheet for the PG Diploma in Cyber Forensic & Cyber Security Ist Semester
Examinations, March, 2025.
04-03-2025 |
168-Date-Sheet for the MCA 3rd Semester (For CDOE Candidates) Examinations, March, 2025.
04-03-2025 |
167-Date-Sheet of the following Classes/Courses for the candidates who have participated in
Sports/NCC/Cultural activities etc. Examinations, March, 2025.
04-03-2025 |
166-Date-Sheet of UG Programme & Integrated Courses II, IV & V Semester (NEP Scheme) for the
candidates who have participated in Sports/NCC/Cultural activities etc. Examinations, March,
04-03-2025 |
165-Date-Sheet of UG Programme & Integrated Courses 3rd Semester (NEP Scheme) for the candidates
who have participated in Sports/NCC/Cultural activities etc. and also for Re-appear Candidates
of IIHS) Examinations, March, 2025.
04-03-2025 |
164-Date-Sheet of UG Programme & Integrated Courses Ist Semester (NEP Scheme) for the candidates
who have participated in Sports/NCC/Cultural activities etc. and Deficiency Papers for IIHS
Candidates ) Examinations, March, 2025.
24-02-2025 |
163-Date-Sheet for the M.Tech (Electrical & Instrumentation) I Semester Examinations, Feb/Mar,
18-02-2025 |
162-Date-Sheet for B.Pharmacy I Semester Examinations, March, 2025.
10-02-2025 |
161-Date-Sheet for the PG Diploma in Fashion Design and PG Diploma in Skin & Hair Therapy Ist
Semester Examinations, February, 2025.
06-02-2025 |
N-46-Date-Sheet notification of UG Programme Ist Semester (Old NEP Scheme 2022-23) for IIHS
Theory Examinations, February, 2025.
29-01-2025 |
N-45-Date-Sheet notification of UG Programme Ist Semester (Old NEP Scheme 2022-23) for IIHS
Theory Examinations, February, 2025.
27-01-2025 |
160-Date-Sheet for the UG Programme & Integrated Courses Ist Semester (Old NEP Scheme 2022-23)
Examinations, February, 2025.
22-01-2025 |
N-44-Date-Sheet notification of UG Programme 3rd Semester (NEP) for IIHS Theory Examinations,
Jan/Feb, 2025.
22-01-2025 |
N-43-Date-Sheet notification of UG Programme 5th Semester (NEP) for IIHS Theory Examinations,
Jan/Feb, 2025.
22-01-2025 |
N-42-Date-sheet notification for re-examination of BA (Hons) 3rd Semester (CBCS) for IIHS Theory
Examinations Jan/Feb, 2025.
22-01-2025 |
N-41-Date-Sheet notification of B. Tech. 5th Semester (Old Syllabus) Theory Examinations,
Jan/Feb, 2025.
21-01-2025 |
159-Date-Sheet for the B.Tech (Electrical & Instrumentation) VIII Semester (Re-appear)
Examinations, January, 2025.
21-01-2025 |
158-Date-Sheet for the M.Ed. (General) I & III Semester Examinations, February, 2025.
17-01-2025 |
N-40-Date-Sheet notification regarding Timing change of University Theory Examinations w.e.f.
16-01-2025 |
E-12- Date-Sheet for the M. Tech Computer Science & Engineering (AIML) Examinations, Jan/Feb,
15-01-2025 |
98-A-Revised Date-Sheet for the UG Programme 5th Semester (NEP w.e.f.
2024-25) (For IMC & MT), Examinations, February, 2025.
15-01-2025 |
157-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Sociology, M.B.A. & MCA Ist Semester (For
CDOE) Examinations, Jan/Feb, 2025.
15-01-2025 |
156-Date-Sheet for the B. Lib & Information Science, M.Com (Previous & Final) and B.Ed Part-I
(Annual System) (For CDOE) Examinations, Jan/Feb, 2025.
15-01-2025 |
155-Date-Sheet for the B.A. (General) Part-I (Annual System) (For
CDOE) Examinations, Jan/Feb, 2025.
13-01-2025 |
121-A- RevisedDate-Sheet for the M.Ed. Special Education (V.I.) I
Semester, B.Ed. Special Education (V.I.) I Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January,
09-01-2025 |
N-39-Date-Sheet notification of B. Tech. 5th Semester (Old Syllabus) Theory Examinations,
January, 2025.
09-01-2025 |
N-38-Date-Sheet notification of M. Sc. Engineering Physics 3rd Semester (CBCS) Theory
Examinations, January, 2025.
09-01-2025 |
N-33-A-Date-Sheet notification of MPA I & V Semester Theory Examinations, January, 2025.
08-01-2025 |
N-37-Date-Sheet notification for rescheduled Instrumentation Department Theory Examinations,
January, 2025.
08-01-2025 |
N-36-Date-Sheet notification for rescheduled UG/Integrated Courses I & III Semester (NEP)Theory
Examinations, January, 2025.
06-01-2025 |
154-Date-Sheet for the B.Lib Science Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January,
02-01-2025 |
N-34-Date-Sheet notification of B. Tech. 7th Semester (Old Syllabus) Theory Examinations,
January, 2025.
02-01-2025 |
N-33-Date-Sheet notification of MPA I & V Semester Theory Examinations, January, 2025.
02-01-2025 |
N-32- Date-Sheet notification for rescheduled MA AIH I Sem, PG Diploma in Archaeology I Sem and
PG Diploma in Guidance, Counselling and Psychotherapy I Sem (NEP)Theory Examinations, January,
02-01-2025 |
N-31- Date-Sheet notification for rescheduled of PGDHEM Ist Semester (NEP), MA Women Studies &
PG Dip in Women's Studies I Semester (NEP) and MBA (2Yr.) 3rd Semester (for USOM) Theory
Examinations, January, 2025.
02-01-2025 |
66-A- RevisedDate-Sheet for the M.A. in Fine Arts I SEMESTER and
Master of Fine Arts I Semester (CBCS Scheme) Examinations, January, 2025.
02-01-2025 |
150-A- Revised Date-Sheet for the UG Programme in BCA (CTIS) and BBA
(Digital Marketing) 3rd Semester (NEP Scheme ) Examinations, Jan/Feb, 2025.
02-01-2025 |
153-Date-Sheet for the B.Tech (Electrical) I Semester and B. Tech (Elect. & Inst.) I & III
Semester Examinations, January, 2025.
30-12-2024 |
152 Date-sheet for the B.Ed. Special Education (H.I.) Ist & 3rd Semester Examinations, January,
30-12-2024 |
151 Date-Sheet for 4-Year Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP) Ist Semester
Examinations, Jan/Feb, 2025.
27-12-2024 |
N-30-Date-Sheet notification of PG Dip in Archaeology I Semester (Non NEP) which could not be
held on 03-12-2024 Theory Examinations, Dec/Jan, 2024-25.
27-12-2024 |
N-28-Date-Sheet notification of B.Ed Special Education & M.Ed Special Education I Semester (NEP)
Theory Examinations, January, 2025.
20-12-2024 |
150-Date-Sheet for the UG Programme & Integrated Courses 3rd Semester (NEP Scheme )
Examinations, Jan/Feb, 2025.
20-12-2024 |
149-Date-Sheet for the UG Programme & Integrated Courses Ist Semester (NEP Scheme) Examinations,
Jan/Feb, 2025.
20-12-2024 |
N-25-Date-Sheet notification of MTTM 3rd Semester (CBCS Re-appear) Theory Examinations, Dec/Jan,
17-12-2024 |
E-11-Date-Sheet for the B. Tech Engineering I, III, V, VII & VIII Semester (Old Syllabus N
Series) Examinations, Dec/Jan, 2024-25.
17-12-2024 |
N-24-Date-Sheet notification for rescheduled MPA 5th Semester (CBCS/LOCF) Theory Examinations,
December, 2024.
17-12-2024 |
N-23-Date-Sheet notification of B. Tech 5th Semester and M. Tech CSE I Semester (Old Syllabus)
Theory Examinations, December, 2024.
17-12-2024 |
N-22-Date-sheet notification for re-examination of LLB I Semester Theory Examinations December,
12-12-2024 |
148-Date-Sheet for the MCA, M.Sc. Computer Sc. (Software) & PGDCA Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f.
2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
12-12-2024 |
147-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Hindi Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
12-12-2024 |
146- Date-Sheet for the P.G. Dip in Archives & Records Mgt I Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25)
Examinations, January, 2025.
12-12-2024 |
145-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Business Economics Ist Semester and M.A. Economics Ist Semester (NEP
w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
N-20-Date-sheet notification for rescheduled MA Women's Studies 3rd Semester Theory Examinations
December, 2024.
11-12-2024 |
E-10-Date-Sheet for B.Tech. Engineering I Semester (NEP wef 2024-25) Examinations, Dec/Jan,
11-12-2024 |
E-9-Date-Sheet for the B. Tech Engineering I, III, V, VII & VIII Semester (Old Syllabus)
Examinations, Dec/Jan, 2024-25.
11-12-2024 |
144-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Zoology Ist Semester & M.Sc. Forensic Science I Semester (NEP
w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
143-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Sanskrit Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January,
11-12-2024 |
142-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Music Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
141-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Statistics Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January,
11-12-2024 |
140-Date-Sheet for the Master of Social Work I Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations,
January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
139-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Environmental Science Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25)
Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
138-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Political Science Ist Semester & M.A. Defence & Strategic Studies
Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
137-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Public Administration Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25)
Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
136-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Human Rights Ist Semester & M. Sc. Applied Physics Ist Semester (NEP
w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
135-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Biochemistry Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations,
January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
134-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Punjabi Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January,
11-12-2024 |
133-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Home Science Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations,
January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
132-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Chemistry Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January,
11-12-2024 |
131-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Microbiology Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations,
January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
130-Date-Sheet for the MA Journalism & Mass Communication, M.Sc. Mass Communication, M.Sc.
Graphic Animation & Multimedia, M.Sc. Printing, Graphics & Packaging Technology (NEP w.e.f.
2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
129-Date-Sheet for the MTTM I Semester, MHMCT I Semester, PG Dip in Hospitality and Event
Management I Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
128-Date-Sheet for the Master of Business Management (MBA) I Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25)
Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
127-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Women Studies I Semester, PG Dip in Women's Studies I Semester (NEP
w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
126-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Philosophy Ist Semester, PG Dip in Archaeology I Semester (NEP
w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
125-Date-Sheet for the M.A. AIH Ist Semester, PG Dip in Archaeology I Semester (NEP w.e.f.
2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
124-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Yoga Ist Semester, PG Dip in Yoga I Semester, PG Dip in Yoga Therapy
I Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
123-Date-Sheet for the M.A. English Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January,
11-12-2024 |
122-Date-Sheet for the M.A. History Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January,
11-12-2024 |
121-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Education I Semester, M.Ed. Special Education (V.I.) I Semester,
B.Ed. Special Education (V.I.) I Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
120-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Sociology Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January,
11-12-2024 |
119-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Psychology Ist Semester & PG Dip in Guidance, Counselling and
Psychotherapy Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
118-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Applied Geology Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations,
January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
117-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Physics Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January,
11-12-2024 |
116-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Geography Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January,
11-12-2024 |
115-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Electronic Science Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations,
January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
114-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Biotechnology Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations,
January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
113-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Mathematics Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations,
January, 2025.
11-12-2024 |
112-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Botany Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations, January,
11-12-2024 |
111-Date-Sheet for the M.Com & M.Com (I.T.) Ist Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) Examinations,
January, 2025.
09-12-2024 |
N-19-Date-sheet notification for rescheduled B. Tech (Elect. & Inst.) 7th Semester Theory
Examinations December, 2024.
05-12-2024 |
N-18-Date-Sheet notification of MPA 5th & 7th Semester (CBCS/LOCF) Theory Examinations,
December, 2024.
03-12-2024 |
N-16-Date-Sheet notification of MBA 3rd Sem (USOM), B.Voc Textile & Fashion Designing I Sem
Theory Examinations, December, 2024.
03-12-2024 |
110-Date-Sheet for the B.Tech (Electrical & Instrumentation) V, VI & VII Semester (Regular &
Re-appear) Examinations, December, 2024.
28-11-2024 |
N-14-Date-Sheet notification UG Media Courses 5th Semester (NEP Scheme) Theory Examinations,
December, 2024.
26-11-2024 |
109-Date-sheet for the B.Sc. Fashion & Apparel Design V Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
25-11-2024 |
N-12-Date-Sheet notification of B.A. Mass Communication 3rd Semester, B.Sc. GAG 3rd Semester and
B.Sc. Multimedia 3rd & 5th Semester (CBCS) Theory Examinations, December, 2024.
22-11-2024 |
58-A-Revised Date-Sheet for M.Sc. Bio-Chemistry I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
22-11-2024 |
N-10- Date-sheet notification for rescheduled LLB (3Yr) I & III Sem and LLM 3rd Semester Theory
Examinations December, 2024.
21-11-2024 |
N-9-Date-Sheet notification of MPA 9th Semester (CBCS) Theory Examinations, December, 2024.
21-11-2024 |
N-8-Date-Sheet notification of B.Voc in Fashion Technology I Sem & MBA (2Yr) I Sem (Old) Theory
Examinations, December, 2024.
18-11-2024 |
107-Date-sheet for the B.Com I, III & V Semester (Old Syllabus) Examinations, December, 2024.
18-11-2024 |
106-Date-sheet for the B.A. B.Ed./B.Sc B.Ed Ist Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
18-11-2024 |
105-Date-sheet for the B.A. B.Ed./B.Sc B.Ed 3rd Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
18-11-2024 |
104-Date-sheet for the B.A. B.Ed./B.Sc B.Ed 5th Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
18-11-2024 |
103-Date-sheet for the B.A. B.Ed./B.Sc B.Ed 7th Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
18-11-2024 |
102-Date-Sheet for the B. Lib. Science II Semester, M.Lib Science I & II Semester (Re-appear)
Examinations, December, 2024.
16-11-2024 |
N-6-Date-sheet notification for rescheduled M.Sc. Env.Sc. Ist Sem (Non NEP) and M. Tech. Energy
Env. Mgt. Ist Sem Theory Examinations December, 2024.
13-11-2024 |
N-5- Date-sheet notification for rescheduled MPA 7th & 9th Semester Theory Examinations
December, 2024.
13-11-2024 |
N-3-Date-Sheet notification of BALLB 7th Sem, B.Voc Interior Designing I Sem (Non NEP), MCA I
Sem (Non NEP) Theory Examinations, December, 2024.
13-11-2024 |
98-Date-Sheet for the UG Programme & Integrated Courses 5th Semester (NEP w.e.f. 2024-25) (For
IMS, IMC & MT, Fine Arts and Music Department candidates), Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 |
N-2-Date-Sheet notification of BBA (Hons) 5th Semester Theory Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 |
E-8-Date-Sheet for B. Architecture I, III, V and VII Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 |
E-7-Date-Sheet of M.Tech. Engineering 3rd Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 |
E-6-Date-Sheet of M.Tech. Engineering Ist Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 |
E-5-Date-Sheet for B.Tech. Engineering I Semester (Non NEP) Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 |
E-4-Date-Sheet for B.Tech. Engineering III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 |
E-3-Date-Sheet for B.Tech. Engineering V Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 |
E-2-Date-Sheet for B.Tech. Engineering VII Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 |
E-1-Date-sheet for the B.Tech. Engineering VIII Semester (Special) Examinations, December, 2024.
05-11-2024 |
89-Date-sheet for the M.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering I & III SEMESTER Examinations,
December, 2024.
05-11-2024 |
88-Date-sheet for the M.Sc. Computer Science (Software) I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December,
05-11-2024 |
87-Date-sheet for the MCA I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
28-10-2024 |
86-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Economics I & III Semester and M.A. Business Economics I & III
Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
28-10-2024 |
85-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Education I & III Semester, M.Ed Special Education (V.I.) I & III
Semester, B.Ed Special Education I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
28-10-2024 |
84- Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Statistics I & III SEMESTER Examinaions, December, 2024.
28-10-2024 |
83- Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Chemistry I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
28-10-2024 |
82- Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Physics I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
28-10-2024 |
81- Date-Sheet for P.G. Diploma in Knowledge Traditions in Sanskrit and Indology I Semester
Examinations, December, 2024.
28-10-2024 |
80- Date-Sheet for the M.A. Sanskrit I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
22-10-2024 |
Examinations, December, 2024.
22-10-2024 |
Examinations, December, 2024.
22-10-2024 |
77- Date-Sheet for the M.P.Ed. I & III Semester, M.A. Yoga I & III Semester and PG Diploma in
Yoga I Semester, B.P.Ed I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
22-10-2024 |
76-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Mathematics I & III SEMESTER (Non CBCS) Examinations, December,
22-10-2024 |
75-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Mathematics I & III SEMESTER (CBCS/LOCF) Examinations, December,
22-10-2024 |
74-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc. Graphics Animation & Gaming, B.Sc. Printing & Packaging Technology V
SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
22-10-2024 |
73-Date-Sheet for the B. Sc. Multimedia I, III & V SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
22-10-2024 |
72-Date-Sheet for the B.A. Mass Communication I, III & V SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
22-10-2024 |
71-Date-sheet for the M.Sc Graphic Animation & Multimedia and M.Sc Printing, Graphics &
Packaging Technology I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
22-10-2024 |
70- Date-Sheet for the M.A. Journalism & Mass Communication I & III Semester and M.Sc. Mass
Communication III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
22-10-2024 |
69- Date-Sheet for the M.A. Music I & III SEMESTER & MPA VII & IX Semester Examinations,
December, 2024.
18-10-2024 |
68-Date-Sheet for the MHM&CT I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
18-10-2024 |
67- Date-Sheet for the MTTM I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
18-10-2024 |
66- Date-Sheet for the M.A. in Fine Arts I & III SEMESTER and Master of Fine Arts I & III
Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
18-10-2024 |
65- Date-Sheet for the BFA I, III, V & VII (Non CBCS) Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
18-10-2024 |
64- Date-Sheet for the BFA I, III, V & VII Semester (CBCS only) Examinations, December, 2024.
18-10-2024 |
63- Date-Sheet for the M.A. Hindi I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
18-10-2024 |
62-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Botany I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
18-10-2024 |
61-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Applied Physics & Industrial Chemistry I & III SEMESTER
Examinations, December, 2024.
18-10-2024 |
60- Date-sheet for the M.Com. Information Technology & M.A. Human Rights I & III Semester
Examinations, December, 2024.
11-10-2024 |
59- Date-Sheet for the MA Philosophy I & III Semester, Diploma in Yoga & Applied Philosophy I
Semester, Diploma in Reasoning and Certificate Program in Moral & Spiritual Counseling I
Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
11-10-2024 |
58-Date-Sheet for M.Sc. Bio-Chemistry I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
11-10-2024 |
57-Date-Sheet for the Master of Social Work I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
11-10-2024 |
56-Date-Sheet for the BBA (Hons) I, III & V Semester (IMS Candidates) Examinations, December,
11-10-2024 |
55-Date-Sheet for the M.B.A. (5 Years) I, III, V, VII & IX SEMESTER Examinations, December,
11-10-2024 |
54-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Home Science I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
11-10-2024 |
53-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Punjabi I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
11-10-2024 |
52-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Microbiology I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
11-10-2024 |
51-Date-Sheet for the M.A. English I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
11-10-2024 |
50-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Electronics Science & M.Tech. Microelectronics & VLSI Design I & III
SEMESTER Examinations to be held in December, 2024.
11-10-2024 |
49-Date-Sheet for the M.A. A.I.H. Culture and Archaeology I & III Semester & PG Dip in
Archaeology Ist Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
11-10-2024 |
48-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Zoology and M.Sc Forensic Science I & III SEMESTER Examinations,
December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
47-Date-Sheet for the B. Lib. Science I Semester & M.Lib Science I Semester Examinations,
December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
46-Date-Sheet for the M.Tech. (Applied Geology) III, V, VII, IX SEMESTER (CBCS only)
Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
45-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. (Applied Geology) I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
44-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Sociology I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
43-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Geography I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
42-Date-sheet for the LL.M. (2 Year Course) I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
41-Date-sheet for the LL.B. (3 Yrs Course) I, III & V SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
40-Date-Sheet for the M.A. History I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
39-Date-Sheet for the Bachelor of Hotel Management & Catering Technology (BHM&CT) Ist, 3rd and
7th Semester (NON CBCS Scheme) Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
38-Date-Sheet for the Bachelor of Hotel Management & Catering Technology (BHM&CT) Ist, 3rd and
7th Semester (CBCS Scheme) Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
37-Date-sheet for the LL.M. I SEMESTER (Under SFS) Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
36-Date-Sheet for the BBA.L.L.B. (I, III, V, VII & IX) Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
35-Date-Sheet for the B.A. LL.B (I, III, V, VII & IX Semester) Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
34-Date-Sheet for M.Pharmacy Ist Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
33-Date-Sheet for the B. Pharmacy III, V & VII SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
32-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Women’s Studies I & III Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
31-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Environmental Science & M.Tech. Energy & Environmental Management I
& III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
30-Date-Sheet for the M.Com. I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
29-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc. Biotechnology I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
28-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Psychology I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
27-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Defence & Strategic Studies I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December,
02-10-2024 |
26-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Political Science I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
02-10-2024 |
25-Date-Sheet for the M.A. Public Administration I & III SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
24-09-2024 |
24-Date-Sheet for the M.Sc Forensic Science (5years Integrated Course) Ist, 3rd, 5th, 7th & 9th
Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
24-09-2024 |
23-Date-Sheet for the Bachelor of Vocational (B.Voc) Ist Semester (Non NEP upto 2022-23)
Examinations, December, 2024.
24-09-2024 |
22-Date-Sheet for the Bachelor of Vocational (B.Voc) 3rd Semester (Non NEP upto 2023-24)
Examinations, December, 2024.
24-09-2024 |
21-Date-Sheet for the Bachelor of Vocational (B.Voc) 5th Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 |
20-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc. (Hons) Information Technology (BSIT), Bachelor of Computer
Application (BCA), BCA (CTIS), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Tourism
Management (BTM) Ist Semester (Non NEP upto 2022-23) Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 |
19-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc Fashion Designing, B.A. Fashion Design, B.Sc Home Science, B.Sc. Phy.
Edu., Health Edu. & Sports, Bachelor of Fashion and Apparel Design (BFAD), B.Sc. Fashion and
Textile Design, Ist SEMESTER (Non NEP upto 2022-23) Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 |
18-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc. (Hons) Information Technology (BSIT), Bachelor of Computer
Application (BCA), BCA (CTIS), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Tourism
Management (BTM) 3rd Semester (Non NEP upto 2023-24) Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 |
17-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc Fashion Designing, B.A. Fashion Design, B.Sc Home Science, B.Sc. Phy.
Edu., Health Edu. & Sports, Bachelor of Fashion and Apparel Design (BFAD), B.Sc. Fashion and
Textile Design, 3rd Semester 3rd SEMESTER (Non NEP upto 2023-24) Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 |
16-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc. (Hons) Information Technology (BSIT), Bachelor of Computer
Application (BCA), BCA (CTIS), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Tourism
Management (BTM), 5th Semester Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 |
15-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc Fashion Designing, B.A. Fashion Design, B.Sc Home Science, B.Sc. Phy.
Edu., Health Edu. & Sports, Bachelor of Fashion and Apparel Design (BFAD), B.Sc. Fashion and
Textile Design, B.Sc Interior Design 5th SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 |
14-Date-Sheet for the B.A. (HONOURS) I SEMESTER (MAIN PAPERS) (Non NEP upto 2022-23)
Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 |
13-Date-Sheet for the B.A. (HONOURS) III SEMESTER (MAIN PAPERS) (Non NEP upto 2023-24)
Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 |
12-Date-Sheet for the BA/B.Sc. Mathematics (HONOURS) V SEMESTER (MAIN PAPERS) Examinations,
December, 2024.
16-09-2024 |
11-Date-Sheet for the B.A. (HONOURS) V SEMESTER (MAIN PAPERS) Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 |
10-Date-Sheet for the B.Com. Ist Semester (General, Hons. & Vocational) (Non NEP upto 2022-23)
Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 |
09-Date-Sheet for the B.Com. Ist Semester (General, Hons. & Vocational) (Non NEP upto 2022-23)
Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 |
08-Date-Sheet for the B.A.& Hons (Subsidary) Ist SEMESTER (Non NEP upto 2022-23) Examinations,
December, 2024.
16-09-2024 |
07-Date-Sheet for the B.Com. 3rd Semester (General, Hons. & Vocational) (Non NEP upto 2023-24)
Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 |
06-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc. III SEMESTER (Non NEP upto 2023-24) Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 |
05-Date-Sheet for the B.A. & Hons (Subsidary) III SEMESTER (Non NEP upto 2023-24) Examinations,
December, 2024.
16-09-2024 |
04-Date-Sheet for the B.Com (Banking and Insurance & E-Commerce Part-III; Specialty Programme)
5th SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 |
03-Date-Sheet for the B.Com (Banking and Insurance & E-Commerce Part-III; Specialty Programme)
5th SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 |
02-Date-Sheet for the B.Sc. V SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.
16-09-2024 |
01-Date-Sheet for the B.A. & Hons (Subsidary) V SEMESTER Examinations, December, 2024.