Documents Criterion V
- 5.1.1 Supporting Documents University Scholarships
- 5.1.1 Supporting Documents Bus Fare Concession
- 5.1.1 Supporting Documents Earn While You Learn Scheme
- 5.1.1 Supporting Documents Financial Help
- 5.1.1 Supporting Documents Fine Arts CCRT
- 5.1.1 Supporting Documents Full_ Half Fee Concession
- 5.1.1 Supporting Documents Haryana State Merit Scholarship
- 5.1.1 Supporting Documents ICCR
- 5.1.1 Supporting Documents National Scholarship Scheme
- 5.1.1 Supporting Documents ONGC UP
- 5.1.1 Supporting Documents PMSS JK UP
- 5.1.1 Supporting Documents POSE
- 5.1.1 Supporting Documents TEQUIP Sch.
- 5.1.1 Supporting Documents Tuition Fee Con. for Girls
- 5.1.1 Supporting Documents Uni Diff Able Scheme
- 5.1.1 Supporting Documents University Research Scholarship
- 1 5.1.1 Supporting Documents Bus Fare Concession Girls_AQAR
- 2 5.1.1-Supporting-Documents-Bus-Fare-Concession Boys_AQAR
- 3 5.1.1 Supporting Documents National Scholarship Scheme_AQAR
- 4 5.1.1 Supporting Documents ICCR_AQAR
- 5 5.1.1 Supporting Documents Haryana State Merit Scholarship_AQAR
- 6 5.1.1 Supporting Documents TEQUIP Sch._AQAR
- 7 5.1.1 Supporting Documents PMSS JK UP_AQAR
- 8 5.1.1 Supporting Documents POSE_AQAR
- 9 5.1.1 Supporting Documents ONGC UP_AQAR
- 10 5.1.1-Supporting-Documents-University-Scholarships_AQAR
- 11 5.1.1 Supporting Documents University Scholarships_AQAR
- 12 5.1.1 Supporting Documents Tuition Fee Con. for Girls_AQAR
- 13 5.1.1 Supporting Documents Full_ Half Fee Concession_AQAR
- 14 5.1.1-Supporting-Documents-University-Scholarships_AQAR
- 18 5.1.1 Supporting Documents Uni Diff Able Scheme 2021-22_AQAR
- 5.1.1 Supp Doc. 2023-24
- 5.1.4 Policy ICC, Grievances Red. Cell, Uni. Calendar Relevant Pages
- 5.1.4 Minutes of Meeting of Redressal Cell & Anti Ragging
- 5.1.4 Detail of Student Grievances
- 5.1.4 Supporting Documents_Appeal
- 5.1.4 Proctor Doc. 2022-23
- 5.1.4 Link 1 2022-23
- 5.1.4 Link 2 2022-23
- 5.1.4 Link 3 2022-23
- 5.1.4 Link 4 2022-23
- 5.1.4 Proctor Minutes 2023-24
- 5.1.4 Link 1 2023-24
- 5.1.4 Link 2 2023-24
- 5.1.4 Link 3 2023-24
- 5.1.4 Link 4 2023-24
- 5.1.4 Index 2023-24
Accordion Content
Accordion Content
Accordion Content
- 5.2.2 1 Supporting Doc Placement Office2017-2022
- 5.2.2 2 Supporting Doc English
- 5.2.2 3 Supporting Doc Hindi
- 5.2.2 4 Supporting Doc Lib. Sci.
- 5.2.2 6 Supporting Doc Economics
- 5.2.2 8 Supporting Doc Pol. Sci.
- 5.2.2 9 Supporting Doc Psychology
- 5.2.2 10 Supporting Doc Social Work
- 5.2.2 11 Supporting Doc WSRC
- 5.2.2 12 Supporting Doc Bio Chemistry
- 5.2.2 13 Supporting Doc Botany
- 5.2.2 14 Supporting Doc Microbiology
- 5.2.2 15 Supporting Doc Zoology
- 5.2.2 16 Supporting Doc Environmental Studies
- 5.2.2 17 Supporting Doc Chemistry
- 5.2.2 18 Supporting Doc Computer Sci.
- 5.2.2 19 Supporting Doc Electronic Sci.
- 5.2.2 20 Supporting Doc Geography
- 5.2.2 21 Supporting Doc Geology
- 5.2.2 22 Supporting Doc Geophysics
- 5.2.2 23 Supporting Doc Instrumentation
- 5.2.2 24 Supporting Doc Math
- 5.2.2 25 Supporting Doc Physics
- 5.2.2 26 Supporting Doc Statistics
- 5.2.2 27 Supporting Doc Phy. Edu.
- 5.2.2 28 Supporting Doc IIHS
- 5.2.2 29 Supporting Doc ITTR
- 5.2.2 30 Supporting Doc Fine Arts
- 5.2.2 31 Supporting Doc Music Dance
- 5.2.2 32 Supporting Doc Philosophy
- 5.2.2 33 Supporting Doc Sanskrit Pali
- 5.2.2 34 Supporting Doc Commerce
- 5.2.2 35 Supporting Doc Tourism & Hotel Mgt.
- 5.2.2 36 Supporting Doc IMS
- 5.2.2 37 Supporting Doc Mass Comm
- 5.2.2 38 Supporting Doc Law
- 5.2.2 39 Supporting Doc IOL
- 5.2.2 40 Supporting Doc UIET
- 5.2.2 41 Supporting Doc Pharmacy
- 5.2.2 42 Supporting Doc USM
- 5.2.2 Offer Letters
- 5.2.2 5 Supporting Doc Panjabi
- 5.2.2 7 Supporting Doc History
- 5.2.2 Supp Doc. 2023-24
Accordion Content
Accordion Content
Accordion Content